Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Everyday Project Day 289

Had to have a little meeting with my friend Jose, Cuervo, that is before, I could even begin this post. I think I started and deleted at least 4 times before I heard the call...

Disturbing... Horrible, yet I can't look away...I wanted to snap a pic sooooo bad. 

After a perfectly lovely breakfast with some friends that  traditionally celebrate the the 1st day of school together, I set off on some errands. As I am pulling into a parking spot near my bank ( CalCoast, in the MM mall) I see a woman who almost made me crash the car. Holy Sh$$$t! Walking with an Asian man in his mid 60's I will describe from the bottom up:

8 inch tall pink glitter CFM stilettos. Looooong spray tan legs. Daisy Duke denim mini skirt  butt cheeks showing. Spray tan midriff with dangling belly button piercing. A denim zipper top that did not contain the BIGGEST FAKE boobs I have ever seen. I thought she was going to tip over. And....she was tucking her nipple back in. OMG!!!!! Spray tan white chick, with bleach blond hair. She seemed to be a rough looking mid 30's. Did I already say OMG???? This is what I imagine a stipper to look like. And she walks into the bank with the Asian guy. 

I gotta give props to the bank people. They are "bank people" after all. They talk in bank code with head nods and eye rolls. The woman next to me said, " She sure wants to be noticed!" The bank guy said drolly, "Obviously." That was the only comment. 
And I use drolly in a sentence. 
If I ever see her again, I'm going to ask for a photo. She wants to be noticed -  obviously.

It is what it is...

1 comment:

  1. Hooker!!!! The Asian guy was probably getting money out to pay her! How funny!!
