Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Everyday Project Day 220

After both kids wanted to go the the beach today, no one wanted to go because the friends didn't want to go. I took Cara and her friend, Kaela to see Monster's University. I enjoyed it.

Me: This is the last cartoon movie I'm paying to see in the theater.
Cara: You  said THAT before. (as she runs off the list of ALL the cartoon movies I have taken her too after saying that) You say, I'm never going to a cartoon movie again. Then I say, I would be nice to see___. And you take me. And you say I love movie popcorn. Mom, its a vicious cycle. I know you just go for the popcorn...

Day 3 of tournaments down. Scott took the kids to the Padre/Phillies game and Eric's (field manager) kid was in the minors All Stars. I was slammed. 2 games. None of our teams were playing. Scott did stop by and got the announcer sheet for the Juniors filled out. Thank goodness. Juniors manager, Shawn prepped the Junior field and watched the game as he tried to figure out the "signs" from both teams. Winner, Clairemont Hilltoppers play us on Monday. I think he was very successful.

Ray stopped by to set up the Intermediate speaker system. Coach Taylor did a great job as gopher before his announcing shift. I hope that guy does not get deployed or transferred somewhere. He is young, funny and has been an awesome asset to our league this year. He has no kids, yet is such a positive role model.

All my snack shack workers bailed on me except for Andrew's sister, Alyssa, grade 7. I had her in there by herself until I could get Opening Ceremonies done and the games going. Roxanne( a mom of a Little Star player)  stopped by and jumped in to help as did Paul, grade 9, a kid on Colin's team also scouting out future opponents. Dawn from District 32 saved my butt when Roger, also from the district was delayed.

All in all, it was crazy but we made it through Day 3. All it takes is for everyone to do a little.

Stinkin' Scripps Ranch left our bleachers a mess again... even after multiple announcements about not spitting sunflower seeds on the floor, put trash in the trash cans, plastic bottles and cans in the recycle containers. I hope their dogs have diarrhea on their white carpets and their kids puke in their beds tonight. Karma

It is what it is...

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