Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Everyday Project Day 28

Want to know what's funny? Listening to Scott and Cara play Words with Friends.

Cara: (bouncing into our room) Dad,Dad, it's your turn! I got 36 points.

Scott: xebec,  xebec????? What's a xebec?

Cara: a word. For 36 points.

Scott: that's not a word.

Cara: apparently it is... They let me play it.

Scott: use it in a sentence.

Cara: I just played xebec in Words with Friends for 36 points.

Scott: you can't play words that you don't know what they mean.

Cara: you do. (And proceeds to name a word.)
Cara wins game.

Skip to today.

Same scenario only the word is quire for 51 points.
Scott: what, what, what!!!! 51 points. What's a quire?

Cara : I was going for aquire but there wasn't enough room.

She has won 3 games in a row.

Scott:I'm just letting you think you're good. let's bet. $ 1 per game,  or $. 05 a point. Then when I win you will owe me money.

Cara: that means you owe me $1 right now. Zincy - full of zinc. 41 points. So there.

Scott: zincy, zincy???? Aghhhhh!!!!!!!

Scott: (to me) how does it feel to be stuck in a room with two ultra- competitive word freaks?

Me: funny

It is what it is...

Xebec - a Mediterranean sailing ship
Quire - pages folded in half  to make a book

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