Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Everyday Project Day 340

You know the AT&T commercial where the guy is talking to a bunch of kids and its hysterical. I was pretty sure that someone wrote those lines for the kids or they did tons of takes to edit to the best ones. I'm not so sure. Here's me talking to 2 four year olds as they at snack today.

Me: What are you going to dress up as for Halloween?
Ryan: Darth Vadar
Paolo: A ninja
Ryan: A Darth Vadar Ninja
Paolo: All the boys have to be ninjas
Me: All the boys everywhere?
Paolo: YES! ALL the boys!
Ryan: Like me! I'm a boy!
Me: I thought you said you were going to be Darth Vadar.
Ryan: I am. A Darth Vadar Ninja
Paolo: A Darth Vadar Ninja!
Me: What kind of ninja are you going to be Paolo?
Paolo: Not a Darth Vadar ninja, just a regular ninja.
Me: Well, what about the girls? Can they be ninjas too?
Paola: No! Only boys!
Me: Why not girls? What if they want to?
Paola: Because girls have to be princesses!
Me: Why? What if they want to be something else like a dog or a pumpkin or a ninja princess?
Paola: Because girls have to be princesses!
Ryan: Yeah, princesses!
Me: Why not a ninja princess?
Ryan and Paolo together: Because they scream! Like this...(start screaming)

We could go on...

It is what it is...

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