Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Everyday Project Day 11

Went to yoga today feeling a little out of sorts. Earlier a bunch of inspirational stuff popped up on my Facebook. I know they are posted to inspire people, get them motivated, make then feel good, etc.. Heck, I have even done so myself. I decided to read a few of the longer ones, instead of just skimming in order to have something to focus on during yoga. Does anyone actually read what they post??? Figure out what it means? Think it actually applies to real life? Not to knock anyone down but really follow these suggestions and all will be right in your world.

1. Believe in the Lord ( or the Universe or your Higher Power)
2. Be nice.
3. Be happy.
4. Do your best.
4. Let go.
5. Realize other people's stuff is their stuff, not yours. Its about them, not you.
6. We are all in charge of our attitude. Adjust as needed to follow suggestions 1-5.

Why does The Dollar Store need a flyer in the Sunday paper when everything is $1? Come on people, the price is in the name... for everything.

It is what is is...

Manly bracelet from yesterday. Brushed pewter and distressed leather.

1 comment:

  1. Hey my ODC friend!! I am feeling a bit out of sorts today also. Karma? So glad that you encapsulated all of those facebook feel-goods into one list. Now I am going to copy and past them, print them out, and hang them where i see them often!
    Seriously about the Dollar Tree Ad. Same goes for 5 Below!
    Happy Monday!
