Thursday, April 3, 2014

Let's Keep Busy

Today was project Day

Project #1 Clean up the front yard


3 hours later

Project #2  Wine Gummies

Who makes wine gummies, you ask? Me. Why, you ask? It was on Facebook and looked interesting. And I had all the ingredients.

 Wine and Candy 2 great tastes that taste great together...oh wait that's Reese's Peanut Butter cups..

Gather the ingredients: Wine (duh) I had the this Old Moon Zinfandel, gelatin, Stevia (a sweetner) and maple syrup (Whaaaaat??? maple syrup and wine?)

Disclaimer: the original recipe called for some fancy pants, organic gelatin and some high grade maple syrup. Since I had the regular old Knox gelatin, that's what I used. And I get the good, old Log Cabin syrup, not some $35 bottle of pure Vermont, organic maple syrup. I think it was used as a sweetener as opposed to regular white sugar so I just whipped up a batch of basic simple syrup. Not diggin' maple syrup flavored wine..

Heat the wine to 90 degrees. Wine boils at 159 and I don't want any of that alcoholic goodness boiling off so keep the temp just low enough to dissolve the gelatin.

Add the sweeteners. As much as you like. I only added about 1/4 cup.

Since I have no fancy heart shaped, rubbery mold and I wasn't sure if the gummies would stick, I went with parchment paper on my Pampered Chef bar pan. Hey, if its good enough for caramels, its good enough for gummies. Maybe next time, I'll look for some worm molds...winey worms?

Let sit for about 3 hours. After it firmed up, I put it in the refrigerator to speed things up.
It had a kind of foam from stirring. As per instructions, I used a whisk. (Pampered Chef, of course)

Cut into square/rectangle like shapes. I used my handy dandy Pampered Chef Pizza cutter. (no, I'm not selling Pampered Chef now. I just have a ton of their products)

Final results: Tasty, not fancy...I'm kind of into these grown up gummies! What's next? Margarita?

It is what it is...

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