Saturday, April 12, 2014


It has been well documented here at It Is What It Is that MMWLL has serious issues with hobo's. illegal dumping, shopping carts, etc so here's what happened yesterday. 

My MIL, Phyllis arrives from NJ with ...PORK ROLL!!!! WooHooo!!!Yummo! So off I go to Von's (local grocery store) to pick up some pretzel buns. (New item that I thought would be delicious with the pork roll- and they were.)

On my way back, I see this man taking some bags out of a stolen CVS cart at the usual cart dumping spot at the MMWLL field. FYI, the cart dumping spot is DIRECTLY under the NO Dumping sign. 

What do I do? I speed around to the next entrance, and circle back to take his picture as he leaves the cart. 

I got one!!!!

Me: Can you please take that cart back to the store where you got it?
Him: (in an old  man, Asian voice) NO, NO, not my cart!
Me: Can you please take your cart back. I saw you take those bags out of that cart. You can't leave that cart there.
Him: NO, NO, That not my cart!
Me: See me taking your picture? I took your picture taking those bags out of that cart. Please take it back.
Him: NO, NO! No picture! That not my cart! As he walks away across the street to the apartments.

What do I do, you  ask? I follow him so I can find out where he lives and take more pictures.

It took abut 45 minutes for him to walk through the apartment complex. He toddled along, pausing every 10 minutes or so to take a break. 

I said to myself, " Self, is this worth it? I'm stalking an inform old man. I kind of feel bad for him.This is taking so stinking loooooong. I could be enjoying my mojito right now."

But I stuck with it. He probably does this every few days. Walks to the store, gets his stuff and then takes a cart. 

Do I feel pity and compassion for him personally? Yes. Is that a reason he can dump his cart at the field right under the No Dumping sign so our Volunteers have to deal with it? No. He can buy his own cart from Big Lots for $10 and take it back and forth to the store like I see many other people doing.

I sent the pictures to our Community Relations Officer and I'm letting her deal with it. 

It is what it is...

1 comment:

  1. Unbelievable!!! That is something I would do Marybeth! To me, you did the right thing! Don't mess with me! love it
