Thursday, December 1, 2011

Let's Talk Trash

Note the date, December 1st.

My children have a habit of putting their trash back in their bags. Lunch trash goes back in the lunch bag. Sports snack trash goes back in the bag, etc. Then the whole bag gets thrown away. This is generally a good idea. No trash is left on the ground or laying around anywhere.

On Halloween, Colin and Cara take pillow cases to put their candy in. Big bag, lots of candy, high hopes. A few days after Halloween, I tell them to clean out the pillow cases and put the candy in zip lock bags. Toss the trash and what you don't want. Colin does this. Apparently Cara does not.

Which brings me to today. December 1.

I am putting some socks in Cara's drawer. I hear a crunchy sound so I actually look in the drawer and see a candy wrapper. Thinking she is sneaking candy, I investigate. Feeling around, I hear alot of crunching. I pick up one of her soccer socks. It is very full and crunchy. I look inside. It is full of candy wrappers. Picking up the sock, I go to look for Cara.

Me: Cara, why is this soccer sock full of candy wrappers?

Cara: huh?

Me: Why is this sock full of candy wrappers? Have you been sneaking candy?

Cara: No, thats my trash sock.

Me: YOUR WHAT???????

Cara: My trash sock. When you told me to clean out my pillow case from Halloween, I put the trash in my soccer sock. My regulars socks are the no-shows and they are too small.

Me: We do have multiple trash cans in our house.

Cara: I was too lazy to leave my room and you told me to clean up.

Me: You have a trash can in your room.

Cara: It's on the other side of the room.

Me: OK then. Next time don't do that.

A trash sock????? who knew.

In other news...
Scott sees the Baseball Express Catalog that comes in the mail. Usually I put it in the recycle box. I should have done it this time.

Scott: Baseball Express!!!!!!

Me: I thought you might want to look at it.

Scott: Well yeah!

Me: I thought it may be less expensive than the tv you were looking at.

Scott: OHhhh, WOW!!!!! Oooooooh!!!!!

Me: Are you looking at porn?

Scott: No! Did you see this purple catcher's gear???? And these bats???? This is better than porn.

It is what it is.