Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Everyday Project Day 157

What a perfectly awesome day! I did yoga (more on that later), walked the dog, had mimosas and made a bracelet with a friend, had more mimosas and read the paper and the Oprah magazine on my patio, ate some artichokes ( why??? because they were on sale and I felt like it), read a book, more mimosas on the patio, you get the picture. And kept to my vow of NO LITTLE LEAGUE FOR JUST 1 DAY!.

At yoga today, I learned a new pose. I'll skip the sanskrit names and just go with the English translation.  Its called one legged crow pose. I'm pretty good a regular crow pose so I thought I would step it up. Crow is an arm balance, which if you recall, was part of my New Year Resolutions to work on my arm balances  Yes, I'm still thinking about the resolutions...note I said, thinking not actual doing... until now.

This is what I think I look like... OK wish I look like...note the young, skinny, fit body, long blond braid and the serene beach I'm practicing on. Ok, I can do without the blond hair. HAHA!

This is what I will probably look like if I ever get it. Still, that "mature woman" can sure rock the Crow!

They say yoga is not about the ego but when this 50 year old is one of the only ones trying this in my class today...

It is what if is...

Shout out to my oldest, coolest and dearest friend, Audrey for running her second 5K...18 years after her 1st, not finishing last and raising money for special need kids. In the modified words of Dori, " keep on running, keep on running.."