I have a few things to say and I debated hitting send but its too late to call so here goes. And I saw the emails that you just sent but I already spent a lot of time typing...
I just got home from the rec council meeting at 9:15pm and Scott said he had words with you. He said you straightened things out but he did tell me that he said your team couldn't practice because you did not show up for your snack bar duty. He has no authority to do that. Its not in our bylaws. It may have been a rule at one time but it is not written down anywhere. Your team can practice. He was frustrated and overwhelmed with a bunch of stuff that was happening all at once.
I understand that everyone makes mistakes and you and some team members did show up to work the snack bar as soon as possible. I appreciate this. And thanks for sweeping up the glass. I generally don't dump on people and call attention to myself, however, this was my day and it is not so different than most of my days from February through June.
*7pm - 2 hour meeting last night with Rancho Penasquitos LL to try and work a deal for field space next year.
*6am - 3 hours on the computer today to make a presentation for rec council to try and find out what exactly is going on with the renovation project and figure out where 17 teams are going to practice and play games when our fields are down.
*11:30am - Help line the Juniors field for game tonight.
*Go to the bank to deposit money and get change for tonight's snack bar.
*Go to Shell to get gas card for gas for the mowers.
*Check and answer emails from LL, Padres, etc...
*Pick my kids kids up at 3:15 from school.
*Make sure kids have uniforms and gear for games tonight. Cara was a pool player on Goonan's team. Colin had regular game. *Search garage for random stuff (belts, gloves, bats) kids swear they left at my house as they text me at 3:45.
*Pick up Andrew. To be at the fields at 4.
*Cara no longer needed as pool player so she changes clothes to come help open the snack bar.
*4:30pm - Open the snack bar
*4:45pm - Close the snack bar to take Cara home to change because she is need as a pool player again.
*Find people to work in the snack bar and get them set up until you arrive.
*Go to bank to get change... again. We went through $150 in ones and $5s before 6pm
*Go to Smart and Final to get make sure we don't run out of nacho chips. Denise, the snack bar manager, didn't have time to shop as she was working.
*Try and watch a little of each of my kid's game.
*7pm - Go to rec council meeting to make sure we have a place for MMWLL next season.
*Get home at 9:15
*Update Scores on the website.
*Read and respond to emails mostly about LL.
And that's just LL stuff.
Again, I appreciate that you showed up and gave a heartfelt apology. No worries on my part. Thanks for managing a team.
Here is his his response:
Here is his his response:

11:58 PM (21 hours ago)
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The detailed outline of your day is tbe primary reason why i felt so bad. I know u have so much on your plate and of all people, i added to the list of crapola u had to deal with today. I was embarrassed because i consider myself to be an overly buttoned up individual and always want my teams, in any sport/association, to be well respected. Im sure you dont hear it enough...but i respect you mb for all you do and what you provide to community. Thank you for your understanding of my inability in properly fulfilling my "rocket science" duty today.
It is what it is...
It is what it is...
Wew! I am exhausted just reading this!!