Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Everyday Project Day 150

OMG! I feel like I'm babysitting grown up toddlers. Now that's an oxymoron, or just a bunch of morons. Our Farm division is in full on melt down mode. Posting on Facebook, email "reply all", everything but face to face contact. I couldn't even sort through the email hell I was in today. I'm trying to channel my inner CRP (that's you Dad) so let's put them all in a room together and tell then to work it out and play nice. No beer until  you are done. Good thing we have a good manager rep, who is an award winning lawyer. I got him on it and he is calling a meeting tomorrow night to hash things out.

Man up people. Or I'm not signing up for another term... New fields or not.

It is what it is...

1 comment:

  1. Again, you forget you are getting paid the big bucks for this!! LOL Have a great day!
