OMG! I feel like I'm babysitting grown up toddlers. Now that's an oxymoron, or just a bunch of morons. Our Farm division is in full on melt down mode. Posting on Facebook, email "reply all", everything but face to face contact. I couldn't even sort through the email hell I was in today. I'm trying to channel my inner CRP (that's you Dad) so let's put them all in a room together and tell then to work it out and play nice. No beer until you are done. Good thing we have a good manager rep, who is an award winning lawyer. I got him on it and he is calling a meeting tomorrow night to hash things out.
Man up people. Or I'm not signing up for another term... New fields or not.
It is what it is...
Again, you forget you are getting paid the big bucks for this!! LOL Have a great day!