The Farmers are at it again. In case you forgot, Farm is the division for 7 and 8 year olds. At tonight's game Manager P accused Manager B of cheating. This was after the meeting we had on Monday to straightenout all their issues.
They argued during the game and then actually stopped the game to come and find me. Holy referee!
Manager P is paranoid. Manager B is not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree so I'm not sure how he would actually think of this.
The Farm rule that was discussed at the meeting, was every child needs to sit out 1 inning per game. No player can sit out 2 innings. There are 12 players per team. They play 6 innings. 2 kids on the bench each inning. Easy, peasy lemon squeezy.Right? You would think.
P accused B of "circumventing the rules" by having a child that was in the field go use the bathroom so he could get a player that was supposed to be sitting out back in the game. And then shifting players to somehow gain an advantage. In a game where the score is kept only to keep track of 5 runs per inning. I didn't follow P's argument then, therefore, I can't explain in now.
I asked P if he was accusing B of cheating. P told me B was circumventing the rules. So I said, "you mean cheating? In a game where no score is kept. What is the advantage to that?" P said B was breaking the rule discussed at the meeting. This went on for at least 3 minutes before I realized they game was still going on and all the parents are looking at us. Yikes! That's bad. Sooo..
If a player needs to use the bathroom, when he is done, he goes back to the same position he left. I think this was happening all along.
Don't these men know kids using the bathroom is as contagious at the flu????
It is what it is...
2 words "GROW UP"!