Injury Report
Cara did an awesome job pitching tonight against a team with mostly 13 year olds. She struck out their pitcher, who struck her out. Payback she called it. She did take a ball smashed back to her on the leg. She didn't go down, didn't cry and continued to pitch. That girl can hang with the boys any day.
One of Cara's good friends, Isabelle, has been in the hospital since Monday. She has a staph infection in one of the leg muscles that connect her hip to her pelvis. She had 2 surgeries so far and may need a third. There is a something to drain away the liquid. One good thing is that is isn't the mercer staph infection and they can inject antibiotics directly into the infection. She will probably be in until at least Saturday. Cara feels so bad for her. She will be on crutches for a while as well. Please pray for her quick recovery.
It is what it is...
We've been praying for Isabelle. We're going to go visit her after school tomorrow. It's just so crazy that this has happened to her. My heart breaks for Gina and Mike and how they must be feeling. :(