Friday, December 28, 2012

The Everyday Project Day 43

It was a sobering night last night. We had quite the Facebook scare with Cara. It seems she was communicating with a potential stalker.

She is a big fan of the BBC show Dr. Who.  She is on several fan pages related to Dr. Who and she had started one herself. When she first got on Facebook the strict rule was don't friend anyone you don't know personally. On her regular page she sticks to that rule. It's the fan pages where things are not so clear. It seems anyone can go on those pages that that admin approves. From what I have seen on her activity on the Dr. Who pages, the people comment on shows and ask trivia questions. No real personal stuff. It didn't seem to be a big deal when she told me she was going to admin a page and she showed it to me.  I said only let on people you know. Scott is friends with her and so are a number of adults I know and trust to let us know if they see anything inappropriate.

Last night, Scott noticed a string of posts from a person with the screen name of a character on the show. They were making some weird sounding comments and Cara either liked them or commented with a yay or :). One of them referred to lighting up the phone ( maybe asking for her number?) and how alike they were. ( her and this person)

She had also posted a few questionable things recently and we had a talk about what you should like or ignore and how what you like reflects on you. Different than this. So she was already on a short leash.. We went through her Facebook thoroughly as well as her email to see what she was commenting on and likeing and if she had given out any personal information in the inbox messaging . She hadn't thank goodness but her judgment has not been so good on Facebook lately.

 We deleted her Facebook and her email account connected to it. She is also grounded from electronics until further notice.
It was pretty scary since we thought we were doing a good job of monitoring her. There are a lot of fan pages out there that may seem innocent enough and not show up on the news feed. Bottom line... Do not interact with anyone you do not know personally.

It is what it is...

Took a field trip with my dad and Colin today to OB. It was a beautiful day. Lots of interesting people watching as always...


  1. And this is the discussion we just had with Abby. We won't let her get social networking of any kind. They are great kids but there are predators out there!

  2. Yeah that is pretty scary. You always have to air on the side of caution instead of "it seems innocent enough". I truly haven't seen anything inappropriate from Cara but I don't see everything and thats why its good to have adults as their friends. Many eyes always watching. I really hope people will let me know if they ever see anything w/ my kids. BTW... LOVE the OB tree!!!!

    1. It's the fan page stuff that doesn't always come up. Weirdos make fake profiles and look for kids.
