The experience was great from beginning to end. We didn't even have to deal with any traffic on the way up. On the way back, we pulled over and had some dinner to let the traffic clear up. It was a long day but so worth it.
Upon arriving, Dena and I signed in, showed ID and went through the metal detector. Of course we had to take each others picture outside the studio sign. Backstage, there was a makeup station where we had our make up done. There was also a photo booth, computers and snacks. Since we just got done lunch at Denny's on the corner, we weren't hungry for the snacks. (water, popchips, granola bars and gluten free cookies) A weirdo from NC was telling us how awesome the cookies were and took the whole container.

That dude was so weird. Dena was getting a little freaked out so I started asking him questions. I found out he was on vaca from NC and was going to be in the studio audience for a bunch of shows. That sounded interesting but he was so weird. He annoyed the make up people and security told him to cut it out or get out. We kept seeing him annoying other people. We stayed clear. Although at one point during taping, I turned around and he was ASLEEP. Holy Cow!!!
Since we had booked online, we were the third group to be called. First were the handicapped seats, then the superfans. The guests for the first show were the stars of the reality show Shahs of Sunset Blvd. That explained all the middle eastern looking people dripping gold.
We were seated in the second row on the end. Perfect seats, I thought. Although we were behind the chair where Jeff sat, we had a great view of the "shahs". They seem to be kind of Super rich Iranin Jersey Shore type people mixed with the Real Housewives of anywhere. We are definitely going to check out the show.
Of course I brought my Survivor buff from the Africa season, hoping to get an autograph. When Jeff walked out into the audience, he spotted it. He said, " Aha, a Survivor fan. Do you have a question?" At this point, " Can I have a hug or can you sign my buff?" seemed a little inappropriate, especially since I was wearing it as a headband. Like can you just sign my head. That would never make the cut to get on TV so you all can see me. I did have a question for the cast so maybe... Show airs Dec. 20 on NBC.
I was hoping during the break between shows, Jeff would be out in the audience so I could ger my chance. We did have a connection already. But no... backstage he went. Darn!!!
On the next show the guests were Jamie Getrz. She has been in a ton of stuff, starting with Square Pegs, Lost Boys and now on The Neighbors. Some show about Aliens next door. Seems funny. She was very personable and funny. I liked her. Also on that show was Constance Zimmer from Homeland, Entourage and now Grey's Anatomy. She wore high waist pants, a ruffly shirt and flat shoes. Man, did she she get it for the flat shoes. Even Jeff's wife, who is one of the producers weighed in about her shoes. The Shah people had the most awesome shoes by the way. EVERY one of them.
We had to switch seats and Jeff did not ask for questions so I thought my dream of getting my buff signed was over. As we were leaving, I noticed, Jeff was still in his chair so I asked one of the assistants if I could get an autograph. She was a meanar and said no autographs. I begged a little but was ready to take a no. Dena was already out the door. Then I saw my opportunity. The comedienne, Bridget, who was warming up the audience was just standing there. I handed her buff and my Sharpie. "Can you please ask Jeff to sign this? Its from the Africa season. I have been a fan since Day 1. Pleeeeease? And don't ask that other one. She already said no." " I can do that she says. She is mean." So she asked me my name and tells me to wait out of sight. 5 minutes later. Back she comes with my signed buff. She hugs me and says I asked a good question and Jeff was happy to sign it.
Next up... the Ellen Show
It is what it is...
awesome MB!!!!