Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Everyday Project Day 42

Last night Colin and Andrew asked if they could try Brandy Fruit. I'm not sure what is going on with Andrew lately but he has been having a lot of questions about adults, beer, drinking, etc. I had a long conversation with him about kids and drinking. His dad drank a lot before he got deported and was abusive  to his mom and the rest of the family so I think it's more along those lines than him wanting to experiment. Still, I'm keeping a close eye on him when I can.

My mom used to make this back in the '70's and we had it all holiday season. But like I said, that was in the '70's....

So I said they could have 1 spoonful on their ice cream. They found the biggest spoons they could. Then a 10 minute debate ensued over whether it would be better on chocolate or vanilla. Finally Colin went with the vanilla and Andrew the chocolate. So they could try each others.

Then another 10 minutes go by as they ask me what's in it.

Me: Brandy, fruit and sugar.
Them: what does it taste like?
Me: try it
Them: what if we don't like it?
Me: don't eat it.
Then: is it beer?
Me: no, it's not beer fruit, it's brandy fruit.
Them: what's brandy?
Me: it's made from wine. It's a kind of alcohol.
Them: is it beer?
Me: I just told you it's not.
Them: well what kind of fruit?
Me: a bunch of different stuff: mango, oranges, papaya, peaches, pears, cherries...
Them:  we like mangos. Lets try it.

They try it. NyQuil probably has more alcohol in it than the amount of brandy fruit they had.

Colin : it's fizzy in my mouth.
Andrew: it's spicy.

They roll around on the floor giggling.
Me: you are not drunk. Don't act stupid.

Before going to bed, I look in the sink. There are the bowls with the ice cream gone and the fruit still there. So much for their big experiment.

It is what it is...

Took my dad out for some exercise to the SD car show today. There are some awesome cars out

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