Friday, December 14, 2012

The Everyday Project Day 30

My heart is heavy with the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary. As a parent, teacher and human being, I am in complete disbelief at the tragedy that occurred there today. My mind can not comprehend that someone can wipe out an entire kindergarten class. There is no accounting for crazy, evil or both.

It is kind of ironic that the newscasters who continually say there are no words, seemed to fill an entire day of TV, radio and Internet media.

On a higher note, the Kumeyaay Elementary Holiday Boutique went really well for me even though there were 4 other jewelry vendors. I made enough to pay for my new phone! There was a good flow of people during the whole time. Some vendors said they did not do so well. In my opinion, you have to know your audience. I had a ton of stuff for $5 and even $2. I had a few kids spend their whole $20 at my stand. It's a school and there are kids who don't have that much money. My stuff is way better than the junkola they sell at the Santa Shops. Plus, if the kids are nice or cute or seem like they need a price break, hey, it's my stuff. I can raise or lower prices as I see fit.

It is what it is...

Tomorrow - Scott's Christmas party. It's an over night on the Queen Mary, permanently retired in Long Beach and turnend into a hotel. I'm loving my outfit. Nothing new but old stuff worn in a new way. Plus the BOOOTS!

1 comment:

  1. Thank God our Children are safe and give them lots of extra hugs this weekend.

    Many many prayers for the victims and their families from today's tragedy.
