Happy New Year's Eve!
I love all of the year end shows that recap the past year. Its so easy to forget all of the good, sad, scary, exciting and just plain weird things that have happened throughout the year.
So I think I have been pretty successful on my 2012 resolutions. They were pretty much to honor the 4 Agreements by Miguel Ruiz.
1. Be impeccable with your word.
2. Don't take things personally.
3. Don't make assumptions.
4. Do your best.
I also included do more yoga, be positive and choose happiness. Yay for me!!!
What I have learned is most times good enough is good enough. Not to stress about every little thing and to accept people and situations for what they are, not what I think, want, wish or hope for them to be. I have embraced my 3 favorite words: LET IT GO.
Resolutions for 2013 will be to continue with the ones from 2012 and maybe add a few.
Happy Early Birthday to my oldest, coolest and dearest friend, Audrey!
Happy Birthday to my "sista of another color" Estella
It is what it is...
Just letting you know how my life is going... Like the title says, It is what it is...
Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 45
I just finished reading a great book called The Day I First Belived by author Wally Lamb. It was super long, almost 1300 pages but it was probably less than that since I read it on my iPad and I have kind of a big font.
It's kind of ironic that the main character's wife is the school nurse at Columbine HS. She hid in a cabinet in the library where Kleebold and Harris shoot the students. It's a fictional account of several real life occurrences. I just happened to be reading this when the Sandy Hook shooting occurred.
The main character, Caelum, also has a tangled family history that is told as a second narrative by a Katrina survivor who writes a doctoral thesis on his great, great, grandmother. So it's like a bonus of 2 books in one. The themes are many: school shootings, natural disasters, additctions, adoptions, effects of war, love, loss and lies. I highly recommend it. End of book report.
Cara and I saw Parentsl Guidance at the movies today. Hysterical. End of movie review.
It is what it is...
Anyone making any New Year' s Resoultions? I am.
It's kind of ironic that the main character's wife is the school nurse at Columbine HS. She hid in a cabinet in the library where Kleebold and Harris shoot the students. It's a fictional account of several real life occurrences. I just happened to be reading this when the Sandy Hook shooting occurred.
The main character, Caelum, also has a tangled family history that is told as a second narrative by a Katrina survivor who writes a doctoral thesis on his great, great, grandmother. So it's like a bonus of 2 books in one. The themes are many: school shootings, natural disasters, additctions, adoptions, effects of war, love, loss and lies. I highly recommend it. End of book report.
Cara and I saw Parentsl Guidance at the movies today. Hysterical. End of movie review.
It is what it is...
Anyone making any New Year' s Resoultions? I am.
The Everyday Project Day 44 1/2
Note to self:
Do not drink coffee with dinner...even if driving from Santa Monica
1:45 am - going through DVR.
I have watched all of Glee and Modern Family. On to The New Normal.
Gay people are funny. On TV and in real life.
Botox for lips??? YUCK. who likes that?
Low v-necks for men?
A personal favorite ... Leggings are not pants.
I'm not a hater. Just personal observations on my blog . Love to all!
I'm not sending a link. Lets see who just checks to see this bonus post...
Do not drink coffee with dinner...even if driving from Santa Monica
1:45 am - going through DVR.
I have watched all of Glee and Modern Family. On to The New Normal.
Gay people are funny. On TV and in real life.
Botox for lips??? YUCK. who likes that?
Low v-necks for men?
A personal favorite ... Leggings are not pants.
I'm not a hater. Just personal observations on my blog . Love to all!
I'm not sending a link. Lets see who just checks to see this bonus post...
The Everyday Project Day 44
What a great day of Pocher/MacNaughton awesomeness!!!
Today we saw the Endeavor Space Shuttle and visited the iconic Santa Monica Pier. As my kids moped along, I had to give them a little attitude adjustment. I hope in the future the can appreciate that people come from all over the world to see what is just up the road from us. Everything was super crowded and I guess we are all a little spoiled in that we usually don't do touristy things during touristy times. None of us like crowds but like I said, adjust the attitude and show a little gratitude.
And like the champs they are... they did. Colin and Zachary actually touched the tire of the space shuttle.
We ate dinner on the Santa Monica Pier at a burger joint that said they would add bacon the anything. Colin took them up on that. He had a bacon cheeseburger, bacon fries and a bacon milkshake. They said they don't sell many of those.
It is what it is...
Today we saw the Endeavor Space Shuttle and visited the iconic Santa Monica Pier. As my kids moped along, I had to give them a little attitude adjustment. I hope in the future the can appreciate that people come from all over the world to see what is just up the road from us. Everything was super crowded and I guess we are all a little spoiled in that we usually don't do touristy things during touristy times. None of us like crowds but like I said, adjust the attitude and show a little gratitude.
And like the champs they are... they did. Colin and Zachary actually touched the tire of the space shuttle.
We ate dinner on the Santa Monica Pier at a burger joint that said they would add bacon the anything. Colin took them up on that. He had a bacon cheeseburger, bacon fries and a bacon milkshake. They said they don't sell many of those.
It is what it is...
Friday, December 28, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 43
It was a sobering night last night. We had quite the Facebook scare with Cara. It seems she was communicating with a potential stalker.
She is a big fan of the BBC show Dr. Who. She is on several fan pages related to Dr. Who and she had started one herself. When she first got on Facebook the strict rule was don't friend anyone you don't know personally. On her regular page she sticks to that rule. It's the fan pages where things are not so clear. It seems anyone can go on those pages that that admin approves. From what I have seen on her activity on the Dr. Who pages, the people comment on shows and ask trivia questions. No real personal stuff. It didn't seem to be a big deal when she told me she was going to admin a page and she showed it to me. I said only let on people you know. Scott is friends with her and so are a number of adults I know and trust to let us know if they see anything inappropriate.
Last night, Scott noticed a string of posts from a person with the screen name of a character on the show. They were making some weird sounding comments and Cara either liked them or commented with a yay or :). One of them referred to lighting up the phone ( maybe asking for her number?) and how alike they were. ( her and this person)
She had also posted a few questionable things recently and we had a talk about what you should like or ignore and how what you like reflects on you. Different than this. So she was already on a short leash.. We went through her Facebook thoroughly as well as her email to see what she was commenting on and likeing and if she had given out any personal information in the inbox messaging . She hadn't thank goodness but her judgment has not been so good on Facebook lately.
We deleted her Facebook and her email account connected to it. She is also grounded from electronics until further notice.
It was pretty scary since we thought we were doing a good job of monitoring her. There are a lot of fan pages out there that may seem innocent enough and not show up on the news feed. Bottom line... Do not interact with anyone you do not know personally.
It is what it is...
Took a field trip with my dad and Colin today to OB. It was a beautiful day. Lots of interesting people watching as always...
She is a big fan of the BBC show Dr. Who. She is on several fan pages related to Dr. Who and she had started one herself. When she first got on Facebook the strict rule was don't friend anyone you don't know personally. On her regular page she sticks to that rule. It's the fan pages where things are not so clear. It seems anyone can go on those pages that that admin approves. From what I have seen on her activity on the Dr. Who pages, the people comment on shows and ask trivia questions. No real personal stuff. It didn't seem to be a big deal when she told me she was going to admin a page and she showed it to me. I said only let on people you know. Scott is friends with her and so are a number of adults I know and trust to let us know if they see anything inappropriate.
Last night, Scott noticed a string of posts from a person with the screen name of a character on the show. They were making some weird sounding comments and Cara either liked them or commented with a yay or :). One of them referred to lighting up the phone ( maybe asking for her number?) and how alike they were. ( her and this person)
She had also posted a few questionable things recently and we had a talk about what you should like or ignore and how what you like reflects on you. Different than this. So she was already on a short leash.. We went through her Facebook thoroughly as well as her email to see what she was commenting on and likeing and if she had given out any personal information in the inbox messaging . She hadn't thank goodness but her judgment has not been so good on Facebook lately.
We deleted her Facebook and her email account connected to it. She is also grounded from electronics until further notice.
It was pretty scary since we thought we were doing a good job of monitoring her. There are a lot of fan pages out there that may seem innocent enough and not show up on the news feed. Bottom line... Do not interact with anyone you do not know personally.
It is what it is...
Took a field trip with my dad and Colin today to OB. It was a beautiful day. Lots of interesting people watching as always...
Thursday, December 27, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 42
Last night Colin and Andrew asked if they could try Brandy Fruit. I'm not sure what is going on with Andrew lately but he has been having a lot of questions about adults, beer, drinking, etc. I had a long conversation with him about kids and drinking. His dad drank a lot before he got deported and was abusive to his mom and the rest of the family so I think it's more along those lines than him wanting to experiment. Still, I'm keeping a close eye on him when I can.
My mom used to make this back in the '70's and we had it all holiday season. But like I said, that was in the '70's....
So I said they could have 1 spoonful on their ice cream. They found the biggest spoons they could. Then a 10 minute debate ensued over whether it would be better on chocolate or vanilla. Finally Colin went with the vanilla and Andrew the chocolate. So they could try each others.
Then another 10 minutes go by as they ask me what's in it.
Me: Brandy, fruit and sugar.
Them: what does it taste like?
Me: try it
Them: what if we don't like it?
Me: don't eat it.
Then: is it beer?
Me: no, it's not beer fruit, it's brandy fruit.
Them: what's brandy?
Me: it's made from wine. It's a kind of alcohol.
Them: is it beer?
Me: I just told you it's not.
Them: well what kind of fruit?
Me: a bunch of different stuff: mango, oranges, papaya, peaches, pears, cherries...
Them: we like mangos. Lets try it.
They try it. NyQuil probably has more alcohol in it than the amount of brandy fruit they had.
Colin : it's fizzy in my mouth.
Andrew: it's spicy.
They roll around on the floor giggling.
Me: you are not drunk. Don't act stupid.
Before going to bed, I look in the sink. There are the bowls with the ice cream gone and the fruit still there. So much for their big experiment.
It is what it is...
Took my dad out for some exercise to the SD car show today. There are some awesome cars out
My mom used to make this back in the '70's and we had it all holiday season. But like I said, that was in the '70's....
So I said they could have 1 spoonful on their ice cream. They found the biggest spoons they could. Then a 10 minute debate ensued over whether it would be better on chocolate or vanilla. Finally Colin went with the vanilla and Andrew the chocolate. So they could try each others.
Then another 10 minutes go by as they ask me what's in it.
Me: Brandy, fruit and sugar.
Them: what does it taste like?
Me: try it
Them: what if we don't like it?
Me: don't eat it.
Then: is it beer?
Me: no, it's not beer fruit, it's brandy fruit.
Them: what's brandy?
Me: it's made from wine. It's a kind of alcohol.
Them: is it beer?
Me: I just told you it's not.
Them: well what kind of fruit?
Me: a bunch of different stuff: mango, oranges, papaya, peaches, pears, cherries...
Them: we like mangos. Lets try it.
They try it. NyQuil probably has more alcohol in it than the amount of brandy fruit they had.
Colin : it's fizzy in my mouth.
Andrew: it's spicy.
They roll around on the floor giggling.
Me: you are not drunk. Don't act stupid.
Before going to bed, I look in the sink. There are the bowls with the ice cream gone and the fruit still there. So much for their big experiment.
It is what it is...
Took my dad out for some exercise to the SD car show today. There are some awesome cars out
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 41
The day after Christmas was quite uneventful. Although we made 2 separate trips to the paintball store and Colin and Andrew's camp out was rained out things were pretty quiet around here. I'm starting my 2nd Netflix movie with my dad. 2 movies in one day! Unheard of!
It is what it is...
It is what it is...
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 41 Merry Christmas🎄
Holy HoHoHo,
Where to start on this one...
This day of Christmas MB version
On this day of Christmas, these things have come my way:
12 appetizers ( Brie, pretzels, chips, 2 dips, broccoli, carrots, peppers, mushrooms, cucumbers, crackers, salami)
11 relatives of Pochers/MacNaughtons ( Charles, MB, Scott, Colin, Cara, Andrew, Chuck, Peggy, Chad, Kyle, Zachary)
10 presents for kids
9 sports events
8 requests for help
7 undelivered texts ( dang new phone)
6 eye rolls (mom!!!!!)
5 kinds of adult beverages ( mimosa, Chardonnay, beer, merlot, peppermint kiss, Bloody Mary)
4 boxes of chocolates (and 20 pounds on me)
3 stuffed birds (turducken)
2 kids gone (Colin to Andrew's and Cara to HB)
1 giant 60 inch screen TV
Merry Christmas to all🎄🎄🎄
It is what it is...
Where to start on this one...
This day of Christmas MB version
On this day of Christmas, these things have come my way:
12 appetizers ( Brie, pretzels, chips, 2 dips, broccoli, carrots, peppers, mushrooms, cucumbers, crackers, salami)
11 relatives of Pochers/MacNaughtons ( Charles, MB, Scott, Colin, Cara, Andrew, Chuck, Peggy, Chad, Kyle, Zachary)
10 presents for kids
9 sports events
8 requests for help
7 undelivered texts ( dang new phone)
6 eye rolls (mom!!!!!)
5 kinds of adult beverages ( mimosa, Chardonnay, beer, merlot, peppermint kiss, Bloody Mary)
4 boxes of chocolates (and 20 pounds on me)
3 stuffed birds (turducken)
2 kids gone (Colin to Andrew's and Cara to HB)
1 giant 60 inch screen TV
Merry Christmas to all🎄🎄🎄
It is what it is...
Monday, December 24, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 40 - Happy Christmas Eve
Happy Christmas Eve!
I thought I would have a quiet Christmas Eve. I was so done with everything. If I can't get it at 7-11 or the liquor store I'm not getting it.
So I went to the gym, 7-11 and the liquor store. Got the kids hot chocolate and mini-donuts. Stopped to get the ingredients to make Peppermint Kisses. I'm planning to go over to my friend Estella's house with a cocktail later today. She seems like she needs some holiday cheer.
I get the call...
Scott: Remember that TV I said I was going to get last night if I won big on football???
Me: Yea???
Scott: They have it in stock at Best Buy. I can pay cash.
All I see is the huge amounts of rearranging that I'm going to have to do so Scott can have his new giant tv. On my relaxing Christmas Eve. Great!.
Me: Great!
Scott: You don't sound so happy.
Me: Well, that's a big project.
Scott: you don't have to do anything.
Me: (to myself) yea right.
Scott: I'll do it all.
Me: What about the big tv that is there now? And all the Christmas decorations all over the place?
Scott: Its going in our room. I'll put the one from our room in Cara's room. don't worry about the
Me: (in my raging brain) that means 3 room cleaned and rearranged since neither Cara's room nor our room have instant space for either of these tvs.
Scott: Are you ok with all of this.
Me: I guess. Since I don't have to do anything, I'm going to Estella's with my cocktails so I'm not in
your way.
I take a shower. Then text Scott:
What do you want me to do?
It is what it is...
I thought I would have a quiet Christmas Eve. I was so done with everything. If I can't get it at 7-11 or the liquor store I'm not getting it.
So I went to the gym, 7-11 and the liquor store. Got the kids hot chocolate and mini-donuts. Stopped to get the ingredients to make Peppermint Kisses. I'm planning to go over to my friend Estella's house with a cocktail later today. She seems like she needs some holiday cheer.
I get the call...
Scott: Remember that TV I said I was going to get last night if I won big on football???
Me: Yea???
Scott: They have it in stock at Best Buy. I can pay cash.
All I see is the huge amounts of rearranging that I'm going to have to do so Scott can have his new giant tv. On my relaxing Christmas Eve. Great!.
Me: Great!
Scott: You don't sound so happy.
Me: Well, that's a big project.
Scott: you don't have to do anything.
Me: (to myself) yea right.
Scott: I'll do it all.
Me: What about the big tv that is there now? And all the Christmas decorations all over the place?
Scott: Its going in our room. I'll put the one from our room in Cara's room. don't worry about the
Me: (in my raging brain) that means 3 room cleaned and rearranged since neither Cara's room nor our room have instant space for either of these tvs.
Scott: Are you ok with all of this.
Me: I guess. Since I don't have to do anything, I'm going to Estella's with my cocktails so I'm not in
your way.
I take a shower. Then text Scott:
What do you want me to do?
Old TV now in my room
Cleared out all that stuff and Christmas decorations.
New TV installed. 60 inch. Huge!
Remembered my first rule: Its not about me. And adjusted my attitude accordingly. Stuff mostly put away. Rooms rearranged. I don't love the old tv in the bedroom but I will get used to it. New TV is awesome. Scott is sooooo happy. That's what matters.
It is what it is...
Sunday, December 23, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 39
Cavalia - 2 words - BEYOND SPECTACULAR!!!
Me: Cara, what are your plans for tomorrow?
Cara: Ummm, nothing?
Me: handing her the ticket voucher. This is what we are doing. Cavalia!
Cara: Awesome mom. That will be great. as she stares at it with not a high level of enthusiasm.
The commercials have been all over tv. Its the last US show, going overseas, hasn't been to San Diego since 2007! How the TV queen missed all that, I'm not sure.
Me: Do you know what Cavaila is?
Cara: Ummm, well, not really.
Me: What!!! Good fake. Its been all over tv. Its the Cirque de Soliel show with the horses. Google it.
Cara: Awesome. Still not with the level of enthusiasm I wanted.
Get to show which is across from Petco Park. (found FREE street parking!)
I'm going on and on about how they build the tent and all the dirt they need to make the floors and blah, blah. She is looking around. I can see she is pretty into it now.
Cara: So how many horses do you think they will have, like 3 or 4.
Me: No like 50.
Cara: 50!
Me: yes and acrobats and aerialists. Haven't you been listening to me????
Show starts
Cara's is mesmerized! Best show ever. Thank you, thank you, thank you! So worth the money to see her face. Priceless! My mom would be proud. She always thought it important to see shows. Especially at Christmas.
It is what it is...
Me: Cara, what are your plans for tomorrow?
Cara: Ummm, nothing?
Me: handing her the ticket voucher. This is what we are doing. Cavalia!
Cara: Awesome mom. That will be great. as she stares at it with not a high level of enthusiasm.
The commercials have been all over tv. Its the last US show, going overseas, hasn't been to San Diego since 2007! How the TV queen missed all that, I'm not sure.
Me: Do you know what Cavaila is?
Cara: Ummm, well, not really.
Me: What!!! Good fake. Its been all over tv. Its the Cirque de Soliel show with the horses. Google it.
Cara: Awesome. Still not with the level of enthusiasm I wanted.
Get to show which is across from Petco Park. (found FREE street parking!)
I'm going on and on about how they build the tent and all the dirt they need to make the floors and blah, blah. She is looking around. I can see she is pretty into it now.
Cara: So how many horses do you think they will have, like 3 or 4.
Me: No like 50.
Cara: 50!
Me: yes and acrobats and aerialists. Haven't you been listening to me????
Show starts
Cara's is mesmerized! Best show ever. Thank you, thank you, thank you! So worth the money to see her face. Priceless! My mom would be proud. She always thought it important to see shows. Especially at Christmas.
It is what it is...
Saturday, December 22, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 38
Holy stuffed chickens! Funniest thing all day? Colin racing across a street carrying a turducken. I took him down to Iowa Meat Farms to pick up the turducken that Scott has been talking about for years for our Christmas dinner. After accidently cutting the car line and getting honked at by 5 people we parked on the other side of the street. The place is a combination old school butcher shop and organic specialty food market. There were thousands of things in there. I even picked up some scrapple for Scott. So after we wait at least 30 minutes for our number to be called, we had to cross back across the street. Colin, with no regard for traffic, carrying the turducken races across the street. Hysterical!
So it 3pm and I have the rest of the day free!!!! All caramels and jams are delivered. All jewerly made. I think I will enjoy a beer and a movie.
It is what it is...
So it 3pm and I have the rest of the day free!!!! All caramels and jams are delivered. All jewerly made. I think I will enjoy a beer and a movie.
It is what it is...
Friday, December 21, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 37
Cara was on FIRE today!
I go to wake her up and found out that she has been up since 5:15 to finish the rest of her cards for her teachers. At 8 pm last night she asks to make 2 more snowflake ornaments. That is so not my time, especially after cold yoga. Freeeeezing because they won't turn off the AC. and we had to finish up her cookie project.
I told her to dress warm. Its cold out. She goes to look at the temperature.
Cara: Its 32 degrees! It can snow!!!! (massive jumping around and yelling)
Me: Look outside there is not a cloud in the sky.
Cara: Well it was raining 2 days ago. Why can't it snow then.
Me: You tell me, you're in that smart kid class.
Cara: I know MOM! I just want it to snow soooo baaaaad!
She leaves the house wearing shorts and a hoodie.
At pick up time:
Me: How was your day?
Cara: OK, I guess.
Me: How did your teachers like their gifts?
Cara: Good.
Me: Do you mind going on some errands? I have to go to Rite Aide and the pool supply place. There is a peppermint Chick Fil-A milkshake at home for you.
Cara: I know its not on the way but can we go to Dollar Tree? I want to get a Santa hat.
Then it dawns on me. Almost every kid exiting the school is wearing some kind of Santa hat.
Me: You had no Santa hat today?
Cara: I'm jealous of them. I only have Santa Mickey and Santa Chargers. Both are lame.
Me: We can look at Rite Aide and I need to go to Dollar Tree anyway. Good plan. We can go to Target if we can't find one.
I feel a vision quest coming on.
No good Santa hat at Rite Aide, Dollar Tree or Target. Traffic and parking lots are horrible. She is resigned to the fact that she will have to get the not good one from Dollar Tree when I go to the gym in the morning.
I have to go to a different Rite Aide for Colin's new meds. Score!!!
I go to wake her up and found out that she has been up since 5:15 to finish the rest of her cards for her teachers. At 8 pm last night she asks to make 2 more snowflake ornaments. That is so not my time, especially after cold yoga. Freeeeezing because they won't turn off the AC. and we had to finish up her cookie project.
I told her to dress warm. Its cold out. She goes to look at the temperature.
Cara: Its 32 degrees! It can snow!!!! (massive jumping around and yelling)
Me: Look outside there is not a cloud in the sky.
Cara: Well it was raining 2 days ago. Why can't it snow then.
Me: You tell me, you're in that smart kid class.
Cara: I know MOM! I just want it to snow soooo baaaaad!
She leaves the house wearing shorts and a hoodie.
At pick up time:
Me: How was your day?
Cara: OK, I guess.
Me: How did your teachers like their gifts?
Cara: Good.
Me: Do you mind going on some errands? I have to go to Rite Aide and the pool supply place. There is a peppermint Chick Fil-A milkshake at home for you.
Cara: I know its not on the way but can we go to Dollar Tree? I want to get a Santa hat.
Then it dawns on me. Almost every kid exiting the school is wearing some kind of Santa hat.
Me: You had no Santa hat today?
Cara: I'm jealous of them. I only have Santa Mickey and Santa Chargers. Both are lame.
Me: We can look at Rite Aide and I need to go to Dollar Tree anyway. Good plan. We can go to Target if we can't find one.
I feel a vision quest coming on.
No good Santa hat at Rite Aide, Dollar Tree or Target. Traffic and parking lots are horrible. She is resigned to the fact that she will have to get the not good one from Dollar Tree when I go to the gym in the morning.
I have to go to a different Rite Aide for Colin's new meds. Score!!!
Just now. "Its getting to easy to beat Dad at Word's With Friends.I think I'm only getting a dollar"
Colin update: He finally has a consistent chore. He chances the countdown to Christmas. And now he has started opening the Christmas cards. That boy sure is useful.
We met with his cardiologist. That is one hot stuff doctor. He has a 25 page resume on Rady Children's hospital website. Not bad to look at either. Colin will have a radio frequency ablation on Jan. 22. Its an outpatient procedure that will take about 2 hours. He will correct the electrical pathway abnormality and then there will be 4-5 hour recovery, 2 week limited activity and he can play baseball this spring. No more WPW syndrome! Dr. Perry is a pioneer in this stuff and has close to 100% success rate.
Girl's night cocktail party at Adriana's tonight. I'm in need of a good cocktail.
It is what it is...
Thursday, December 20, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 36
Holy Cow, I was so tired after yesterday's concert. I went to see our extra child, Andrew, perform in the band concert at Wangenheim Middle School. He plays percussion. He looked so handsome with his black pants, white shirt, tie and spikey hair.
I knew his mom would probably be working so I texted him in the morning to see if he needed a ride. In the past, he has called me 10 minutes before he has to be there and I was usually somewhere else. So I decided to be proactive this time. He was really shocked that I would actually stay for the show.
Me: What time do you need a ride?
Andrew: Pk me up at 6 pls.
Me: Pick you up at 6?
Andrew: yea
Me:I'm going to stay for the show.
Andrew: you are???? It costs money.
Me: That's ok. I want to hear your band.
Andrew: You do??? We aren't very good.
Me: I'm sure you are great. See you a 6.
I texted his mom to say that I was giving him a ride. She said he didn't even tell her that he was having a concert. She was very thankful. I let her know that I offered a ride because I was pretty sure she was working. The concert counts for 1/2 of his band grade so I wanted to make sure he was there. Again she thanked me and for staying.
Andrew is in the Concert Wind group. This is the 3rd level out of 4. Wow! What a difference between the Beginning Band to the Wind Ensemble (4th group)! In 3 years of middle school, most of the kids go from never having played an instrument to what I would consider a high school level band. I know they win almost all of the competitions they enter. I was totally impressed.
It is what it is...
I took these pictures in the dark with my new phone. I was pretty far away so I think they came out pretty well.
I knew his mom would probably be working so I texted him in the morning to see if he needed a ride. In the past, he has called me 10 minutes before he has to be there and I was usually somewhere else. So I decided to be proactive this time. He was really shocked that I would actually stay for the show.
Me: What time do you need a ride?
Andrew: Pk me up at 6 pls.
Me: Pick you up at 6?
Andrew: yea
Me:I'm going to stay for the show.
Andrew: you are???? It costs money.
Me: That's ok. I want to hear your band.
Andrew: You do??? We aren't very good.
Me: I'm sure you are great. See you a 6.
I texted his mom to say that I was giving him a ride. She said he didn't even tell her that he was having a concert. She was very thankful. I let her know that I offered a ride because I was pretty sure she was working. The concert counts for 1/2 of his band grade so I wanted to make sure he was there. Again she thanked me and for staying.
Andrew is in the Concert Wind group. This is the 3rd level out of 4. Wow! What a difference between the Beginning Band to the Wind Ensemble (4th group)! In 3 years of middle school, most of the kids go from never having played an instrument to what I would consider a high school level band. I know they win almost all of the competitions they enter. I was totally impressed.
It is what it is...
I took these pictures in the dark with my new phone. I was pretty far away so I think they came out pretty well.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 35
Wangenheim Concert - Nice job.
Solar installed - waiting on inspection.
Trees removed and trimmed.
More in the am.
It is what it is...
Solar installed - waiting on inspection.
Trees removed and trimmed.
More in the am.
It is what it is...
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 34
For 2 days straight, there have been men on my roof installing our solar energy system. Its kind of ironic that in sunny San Diego, it has been raining for 2 days straight. Not even a shower here and there but mostly dark clouds, rain and drizzle. How are we going to power up???
Next up a 20 minute training on how to monitor our usage. Its high tech and really kind of exciting.
I had a friend's kids over for a few hours since she had to work so we made bracelets. They did a great job! I also got my Christmas cards ready to go in the mail tomorrow. Yeah me!
It is what it is...
Next up a 20 minute training on how to monitor our usage. Its high tech and really kind of exciting.
I had a friend's kids over for a few hours since she had to work so we made bracelets. They did a great job! I also got my Christmas cards ready to go in the mail tomorrow. Yeah me!
It is what it is...
Monday, December 17, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 33
I said my first curse word when I was about 12. I don't remember what it was but I distinctly remember my mom saying, " A lady never curses." To this day, I rarely curse.
I know two people that use the f word in almost every sentence. One is one of our baseball coaches. I call him Buddy f'in Guyette. The other is a coworker of Scott's. I call her f'in Veronica. They say f*ck in so many creative ways, it makes me want to curse too when I am around them. They crack me up.
It's f'in awesome! When they are happy.
You gotta be f'in kiddin' me - shocked, surprised or happy.
Go f yourself - mad.
I can't f'in believe it!! - surprised, mad, annoyed , happy
The list goes on:
That f'n guy, that f'n bat, that f'n waiter. This f'in everything. All said with a joyous smile.
Most people annoy me with their cursing but Buddy and Veronica are my two favorite potty mouths. Not sure why.
Project for the day was beaded star/snowflake ornaments with Cara and Nathan. He's the kid I tutor. I told him to tell his mom that we worked on math. We did patterning, symmetry and geometry as well as left/right brain integration. He loved that and she got a nice gift.
It is what it is...
I know two people that use the f word in almost every sentence. One is one of our baseball coaches. I call him Buddy f'in Guyette. The other is a coworker of Scott's. I call her f'in Veronica. They say f*ck in so many creative ways, it makes me want to curse too when I am around them. They crack me up.
It's f'in awesome! When they are happy.
You gotta be f'in kiddin' me - shocked, surprised or happy.
Go f yourself - mad.
I can't f'in believe it!! - surprised, mad, annoyed , happy
The list goes on:
That f'n guy, that f'n bat, that f'n waiter. This f'in everything. All said with a joyous smile.
Most people annoy me with their cursing but Buddy and Veronica are my two favorite potty mouths. Not sure why.
Project for the day was beaded star/snowflake ornaments with Cara and Nathan. He's the kid I tutor. I told him to tell his mom that we worked on math. We did patterning, symmetry and geometry as well as left/right brain integration. He loved that and she got a nice gift.
It is what it is...
Sunday, December 16, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 32
Christmas party awesome!!!! Staying on the Queen Mary was like a mini cruise without going anywhere. It was like staying in a museum. They had tons of informational signs as well as portions of the ship that was restored to the way it was in its sailing days. A Princess Diana exhibit was on board but cheapo me decided not to pay the $15 since I only had about an hour to look.
Survivor finale tonight!!!!!
Nuff said... I'm out.
It is what it is...
Next up: my two favorite potty mouths

Survivor finale tonight!!!!!
Nuff said... I'm out.
It is what it is...
Next up: my two favorite potty mouths

Surprise !!!!
Saturday, December 15, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 31
There is no accounting for crazy, evil or both. We can argue gun control regulations and laws until the end of time. We can pray and light candles. We can forward and share Facebook posts and pictures. And then we can go back to the way we always are... until next time.
I believe the main problems stems from a lack of mental health care, lack of understanding in mental health care, lack of funding for mental health care and lack of compassion and tolerance for the uniqueness of our fellow citizens.
Who knows what Adam Lanza's problems were? But something made him commit this horrific crime. Could it have been prevented? Sure, there will have been warning signs that everyone missed but in looking back make perfect sense.
In general, all of these shootings are carried out by men who are different in some way. They are usually bullied, teased and made fun of of their lack of athletic ability, intelligence, small stature, lack of social skills, sexuality, whatever...We don't see women carry out this type of violence. They tend to hurt themselves in other ways; cutting, drugs, promiscuity, or ultimately suicide. What tools are they lacking that most of us have?
Perhaps we can cultivate a culture where we are all more tolerant of uniqueness, quirkiness and difference. Where we and our children can feel free to express our feelings, thoughts and problems and can be listened to with compassion and tolerance.
Where children are taught the tools to handle rejection, lose and disappointments in a reasonable, responsible way. Not every one is always a winner. Its not always about you.
Where dialog and criticism can be exchanged with courtesy and tolerance of difference in opinions. Without extremists ranting and raving about how their point is the only and right way.
Its not up to the schools to start another new program. Its up to us all, in every situation. To teach, to learn, to accept, to help, to mediate, to tolerate, to stand up, to listen, to speak up.
Dang, talk about a soapbox rant...
It is what it is...
I believe the main problems stems from a lack of mental health care, lack of understanding in mental health care, lack of funding for mental health care and lack of compassion and tolerance for the uniqueness of our fellow citizens.
Who knows what Adam Lanza's problems were? But something made him commit this horrific crime. Could it have been prevented? Sure, there will have been warning signs that everyone missed but in looking back make perfect sense.
In general, all of these shootings are carried out by men who are different in some way. They are usually bullied, teased and made fun of of their lack of athletic ability, intelligence, small stature, lack of social skills, sexuality, whatever...We don't see women carry out this type of violence. They tend to hurt themselves in other ways; cutting, drugs, promiscuity, or ultimately suicide. What tools are they lacking that most of us have?
Perhaps we can cultivate a culture where we are all more tolerant of uniqueness, quirkiness and difference. Where we and our children can feel free to express our feelings, thoughts and problems and can be listened to with compassion and tolerance.
Where children are taught the tools to handle rejection, lose and disappointments in a reasonable, responsible way. Not every one is always a winner. Its not always about you.
Where dialog and criticism can be exchanged with courtesy and tolerance of difference in opinions. Without extremists ranting and raving about how their point is the only and right way.
Its not up to the schools to start another new program. Its up to us all, in every situation. To teach, to learn, to accept, to help, to mediate, to tolerate, to stand up, to listen, to speak up.
Dang, talk about a soapbox rant...
It is what it is...
Friday, December 14, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 30
My heart is heavy with the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary. As a parent, teacher and human being, I am in complete disbelief at the tragedy that occurred there today. My mind can not comprehend that someone can wipe out an entire kindergarten class. There is no accounting for crazy, evil or both.
It is kind of ironic that the newscasters who continually say there are no words, seemed to fill an entire day of TV, radio and Internet media.
On a higher note, the Kumeyaay Elementary Holiday Boutique went really well for me even though there were 4 other jewelry vendors. I made enough to pay for my new phone! There was a good flow of people during the whole time. Some vendors said they did not do so well. In my opinion, you have to know your audience. I had a ton of stuff for $5 and even $2. I had a few kids spend their whole $20 at my stand. It's a school and there are kids who don't have that much money. My stuff is way better than the junkola they sell at the Santa Shops. Plus, if the kids are nice or cute or seem like they need a price break, hey, it's my stuff. I can raise or lower prices as I see fit.
It is what it is...
Tomorrow - Scott's Christmas party. It's an over night on the Queen Mary, permanently retired in Long Beach and turnend into a hotel. I'm loving my outfit. Nothing new but old stuff worn in a new way. Plus the BOOOTS!
It is kind of ironic that the newscasters who continually say there are no words, seemed to fill an entire day of TV, radio and Internet media.
On a higher note, the Kumeyaay Elementary Holiday Boutique went really well for me even though there were 4 other jewelry vendors. I made enough to pay for my new phone! There was a good flow of people during the whole time. Some vendors said they did not do so well. In my opinion, you have to know your audience. I had a ton of stuff for $5 and even $2. I had a few kids spend their whole $20 at my stand. It's a school and there are kids who don't have that much money. My stuff is way better than the junkola they sell at the Santa Shops. Plus, if the kids are nice or cute or seem like they need a price break, hey, it's my stuff. I can raise or lower prices as I see fit.
It is what it is...
Tomorrow - Scott's Christmas party. It's an over night on the Queen Mary, permanently retired in Long Beach and turnend into a hotel. I'm loving my outfit. Nothing new but old stuff worn in a new way. Plus the BOOOTS!
Thursday, December 13, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 29
I'm not sure how I ended up on the bad karma train this evening since my day was perfectly fine, easy even. My friend, Maria was subbing in the weights class before yoga tonight so I decided to go. I will be paying for it in the morning. Anyway, I get home and apparently me walking in caused the Eagles to suddenly be losing. They were winning while I was away. Scott says go back to working out.
Colin is still working on the math computer Learning Upgrade program. I come in at the end of things and didn't watch the instruction. I stink at math and its been 30 years since I was bad at my own pre-algebra. He asks for help, I tell him the wrong thing and now he has to go back and start over. Off he stomps.
Oh well, tomorrows another day and my last craft show.
Creation for the day is more Brandy Fruit. A friend bought my whole remaining stock and I need to have more for when my dad comes. It won't have marinated as long but there will be Brandy Fruit!
It is what it is...
Colin is still working on the math computer Learning Upgrade program. I come in at the end of things and didn't watch the instruction. I stink at math and its been 30 years since I was bad at my own pre-algebra. He asks for help, I tell him the wrong thing and now he has to go back and start over. Off he stomps.
Oh well, tomorrows another day and my last craft show.
Creation for the day is more Brandy Fruit. A friend bought my whole remaining stock and I need to have more for when my dad comes. It won't have marinated as long but there will be Brandy Fruit!
It is what it is...
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 28
Want to know what's funny? Listening to Scott and Cara play Words with Friends.
Cara: (bouncing into our room) Dad,Dad, it's your turn! I got 36 points.
Scott: xebec, xebec????? What's a xebec?
Cara: a word. For 36 points.
Scott: that's not a word.
Cara: apparently it is... They let me play it.
Scott: use it in a sentence.
Cara: I just played xebec in Words with Friends for 36 points.
Scott: you can't play words that you don't know what they mean.
Cara: you do. (And proceeds to name a word.)
Cara wins game.
Skip to today.
Same scenario only the word is quire for 51 points.
Scott: what, what, what!!!! 51 points. What's a quire?
Cara : I was going for aquire but there wasn't enough room.
She has won 3 games in a row.
Scott:I'm just letting you think you're good. let's bet. $ 1 per game, or $. 05 a point. Then when I win you will owe me money.
Cara: that means you owe me $1 right now. Zincy - full of zinc. 41 points. So there.
Scott: zincy, zincy???? Aghhhhh!!!!!!!
Scott: (to me) how does it feel to be stuck in a room with two ultra- competitive word freaks?
Me: funny
It is what it is...
Xebec - a Mediterranean sailing ship
Quire - pages folded in half to make a book
Cara: (bouncing into our room) Dad,Dad, it's your turn! I got 36 points.
Scott: xebec, xebec????? What's a xebec?
Cara: a word. For 36 points.
Scott: that's not a word.
Cara: apparently it is... They let me play it.
Scott: use it in a sentence.
Cara: I just played xebec in Words with Friends for 36 points.
Scott: you can't play words that you don't know what they mean.
Cara: you do. (And proceeds to name a word.)
Cara wins game.
Skip to today.
Same scenario only the word is quire for 51 points.
Scott: what, what, what!!!! 51 points. What's a quire?
Cara : I was going for aquire but there wasn't enough room.
She has won 3 games in a row.
Scott:I'm just letting you think you're good. let's bet. $ 1 per game, or $. 05 a point. Then when I win you will owe me money.
Cara: that means you owe me $1 right now. Zincy - full of zinc. 41 points. So there.
Scott: zincy, zincy???? Aghhhhh!!!!!!!
Scott: (to me) how does it feel to be stuck in a room with two ultra- competitive word freaks?
Me: funny
It is what it is...
Xebec - a Mediterranean sailing ship
Quire - pages folded in half to make a book
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 27
New Project!!!! Cara and I are watching Diners, Drive ins and Dives. Triple D for those in the know. We are going to go to a Triple D place everywhere we go. Starting right here in SD. Her job is to pick the place for the first day of Christmas break.
My phone was having battery problems that couldn't be fixed. Got my new iphone 5 today. Its awesome! Merry Christmas to me!
It is what it is...
My phone was having battery problems that couldn't be fixed. Got my new iphone 5 today. Its awesome! Merry Christmas to me!
It is what it is...
Monday, December 10, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 26
I spent the day in the most delightful Kinder class. Everything went smoothly from the line pick up in the morning to the bell at the end of the day.
They even remembered it was "crazy mix up day." Its always crazy mix up day when I sub because I don't argue with children when they say, " my teacher does..." or "that's not the way we do ...". Nothing will ever get done, so at the beginning of the day, I tell the class its crazy mix up day and when we do things differently they have to deal with it because its crazy mix up day. Works every time.
We have 3 very awesome K teachers at Ericson. There are a few others but these three really rock. They have the K world down. I can go into any of their classrooms and make it work every time. They plan together, their classroom management systems are the same and their schedules run pretty much the same way. I will sub for them any day. And they appreciate me as well. Its so good.
The Brookstone catalog arrived today. It was one of many catalogs and probably the 3rd Brookstone one this season. Seriously, how ugly is this chair???? Who buys this and puts it in their living room??? Oh wait, its marked down from $4000 to $3745! Bargain city.
They even remembered it was "crazy mix up day." Its always crazy mix up day when I sub because I don't argue with children when they say, " my teacher does..." or "that's not the way we do ...". Nothing will ever get done, so at the beginning of the day, I tell the class its crazy mix up day and when we do things differently they have to deal with it because its crazy mix up day. Works every time.
We have 3 very awesome K teachers at Ericson. There are a few others but these three really rock. They have the K world down. I can go into any of their classrooms and make it work every time. They plan together, their classroom management systems are the same and their schedules run pretty much the same way. I will sub for them any day. And they appreciate me as well. Its so good.
The Brookstone catalog arrived today. It was one of many catalogs and probably the 3rd Brookstone one this season. Seriously, how ugly is this chair???? Who buys this and puts it in their living room??? Oh wait, its marked down from $4000 to $3745! Bargain city.
Here's the link in case you want to order your own. http://www.brookstone.com/osim-udivine-app-massage-chair?bkiid=World_Landing_Page_Massage_Massage_Chairs|CategoryWidget|805778p&catId=L2_MassageChair|L1_Massage
The Jeff Probst show that is on tomorrow, featuring Candace Zimmer, is one of the tapings I was at. Its not the one when I asked a question but you may get a peak of me during and audience shot. It airs on NBC.
Secret jewelry project for tonight. Sorry, no pictures.
It is what it is...
Sunday, December 9, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 25
This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24.
Let us be glad in IT. Today,everyday.
There are no conditions. No be glad when...
I lose those last 5 pounds
I am debt free
My kids win the championship
All the water bottles miraculously get into the recycle bin
I can do a forearm stand for more than 10 seconds. (dang, I'm glad I can rock that forearm stand at all)
There is world peace
I find $5 in the wash
I can get my iphone 3gs working again (although I would be glad if I could get the iphone 5)
Be happy, be glad, rejoice or fake it till you make it!
It is what it is...
I had some orders to make today. Here they are
That cross bracelet is purple crystals. Not a very good picture. How about those manly bracelets? Uh huh!
Let us be glad in IT. Today,everyday.
There are no conditions. No be glad when...
I lose those last 5 pounds
I am debt free
My kids win the championship
All the water bottles miraculously get into the recycle bin
I can do a forearm stand for more than 10 seconds. (dang, I'm glad I can rock that forearm stand at all)
There is world peace
I find $5 in the wash
I can get my iphone 3gs working again (although I would be glad if I could get the iphone 5)
Be happy, be glad, rejoice or fake it till you make it!
It is what it is...
I had some orders to make today. Here they are
That cross bracelet is purple crystals. Not a very good picture. How about those manly bracelets? Uh huh!
PS: had some really greasy Chinese food last night. I had to go to child's pose a few times during yoga today during some twisty poses. Its Panda Express from now on. (that was random but I felt like I needed to share. It is my blog after all :))
PPS: just got skunked ...PUUUU
Saturday, December 8, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 24
Today was the perfect example of why I do not participate in too many craft shows. After my awesome Open House last night, I had to be at Atonement Lutheran Church at 8am for set up. It was 20 minutes away and I took a wrong turn so that turned out to be more like 30.
The organizer, Kathy, is a friend so I sort of did it as a favor. She was trying to get the show going again after a 10 year break. The location was good and so was the signage and publicity. I'm not sure if December Nights in Balboa Park had anything to do with the lack of people but it was dead all day. My neighbor, Margie was set up next to me with her Gold Canyon candles so we had allllll day to chat. There were 2 very heavy women set up near us with fleece blankets. They ate all day long. Super nice but the baked good stand made out on those 2. There also was no other food vendors so Margie went out for Subway for us. I had a great conversation with another jewelry artist who does metal clay work. She had beautiful pieces at very reasonable prices. If I would have made any money, I probably would have bought something. But alas, no money, no shopping.
Trading was good. I traded some pepper jelly for a beautiful scarf. and for a super cool plant.
Suggestions for next year are get some food trucks or vendors. Check to see what else is going on around town. When I got home, I found out another local school had a big craft fair. (not sure why I didn't know about that one. I know a ton of people over there. Hmmmmm?) I'm hoping they had enough jewelry vendors, not that they don't want me.
One last show at Kumeyaay Elementary on Friday. I did pretty well there last year so I'm going to hope for the best.
My iphone 3gs is acting weird so my last option is to restore to factory settings. Its really hot to the touch and the battery lasts less than an hour. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Wish me luck. I dont want to buy another phone.
It was a 6 out of 10 day.
It is what it is...
The organizer, Kathy, is a friend so I sort of did it as a favor. She was trying to get the show going again after a 10 year break. The location was good and so was the signage and publicity. I'm not sure if December Nights in Balboa Park had anything to do with the lack of people but it was dead all day. My neighbor, Margie was set up next to me with her Gold Canyon candles so we had allllll day to chat. There were 2 very heavy women set up near us with fleece blankets. They ate all day long. Super nice but the baked good stand made out on those 2. There also was no other food vendors so Margie went out for Subway for us. I had a great conversation with another jewelry artist who does metal clay work. She had beautiful pieces at very reasonable prices. If I would have made any money, I probably would have bought something. But alas, no money, no shopping.
Trading was good. I traded some pepper jelly for a beautiful scarf. and for a super cool plant.
Suggestions for next year are get some food trucks or vendors. Check to see what else is going on around town. When I got home, I found out another local school had a big craft fair. (not sure why I didn't know about that one. I know a ton of people over there. Hmmmmm?) I'm hoping they had enough jewelry vendors, not that they don't want me.
One last show at Kumeyaay Elementary on Friday. I did pretty well there last year so I'm going to hope for the best.
My iphone 3gs is acting weird so my last option is to restore to factory settings. Its really hot to the touch and the battery lasts less than an hour. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Wish me luck. I dont want to buy another phone.
It was a 6 out of 10 day.
It is what it is...
The Everyday Project Day 23
Dang, that's 2 days this week that I'm behind. Its 12:25 am PST and I just finished cleaning up from my In The Mood Designs Holiday Open House. You know things went well if I'm posting after midnight.
I had to get fully cleaned up and packed up for tomorrow, actually today since I'm doing a craft show at Atonement church. Set up starts at 7. Show at 9. Still have to get MMWLL registration stuff together and will post change of location signs up at the rec center on my way down to Kearny Mesa by 7:15am.
I'm out for tonight.
It is what it is...
I had to get fully cleaned up and packed up for tomorrow, actually today since I'm doing a craft show at Atonement church. Set up starts at 7. Show at 9. Still have to get MMWLL registration stuff together and will post change of location signs up at the rec center on my way down to Kearny Mesa by 7:15am.
I'm out for tonight.
It is what it is...
Thursday, December 6, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 22
It's pretty great when a celebrity is exactly how you think they would be. Jeff Probst met all of my celebrity expectations. He is warm, curious, enthusiastic and genuine. When we were let into the studio and saw the TelePrompTer , I was a little worried. But he only used it as a lead in to the next segment. All of the questions and expressions were totally him. He was warm and outgoing to the guests as well as the audience during the breaks and extra scene taping. Awesome!!!
The experience was great from beginning to end. We didn't even have to deal with any traffic on the way up. On the way back, we pulled over and had some dinner to let the traffic clear up. It was a long day but so worth it.
Upon arriving, Dena and I signed in, showed ID and went through the metal detector. Of course we had to take each others picture outside the studio sign. Backstage, there was a makeup station where we had our make up done. There was also a photo booth, computers and snacks. Since we just got done lunch at Denny's on the corner, we weren't hungry for the snacks. (water, popchips, granola bars and gluten free cookies) A weirdo from NC was telling us how awesome the cookies were and took the whole container.

That dude was so weird. Dena was getting a little freaked out so I started asking him questions. I found out he was on vaca from NC and was going to be in the studio audience for a bunch of shows. That sounded interesting but he was so weird. He annoyed the make up people and security told him to cut it out or get out. We kept seeing him annoying other people. We stayed clear. Although at one point during taping, I turned around and he was ASLEEP. Holy Cow!!!
Since we had booked online, we were the third group to be called. First were the handicapped seats, then the superfans. The guests for the first show were the stars of the reality show Shahs of Sunset Blvd. That explained all the middle eastern looking people dripping gold.
We were seated in the second row on the end. Perfect seats, I thought. Although we were behind the chair where Jeff sat, we had a great view of the "shahs". They seem to be kind of Super rich Iranin Jersey Shore type people mixed with the Real Housewives of anywhere. We are definitely going to check out the show.
Of course I brought my Survivor buff from the Africa season, hoping to get an autograph. When Jeff walked out into the audience, he spotted it. He said, " Aha, a Survivor fan. Do you have a question?" At this point, " Can I have a hug or can you sign my buff?" seemed a little inappropriate, especially since I was wearing it as a headband. Like can you just sign my head. That would never make the cut to get on TV so you all can see me. I did have a question for the cast so maybe... Show airs Dec. 20 on NBC.
I was hoping during the break between shows, Jeff would be out in the audience so I could ger my chance. We did have a connection already. But no... backstage he went. Darn!!!
On the next show the guests were Jamie Getrz. She has been in a ton of stuff, starting with Square Pegs, Lost Boys and now on The Neighbors. Some show about Aliens next door. Seems funny. She was very personable and funny. I liked her. Also on that show was Constance Zimmer from Homeland, Entourage and now Grey's Anatomy. She wore high waist pants, a ruffly shirt and flat shoes. Man, did she she get it for the flat shoes. Even Jeff's wife, who is one of the producers weighed in about her shoes. The Shah people had the most awesome shoes by the way. EVERY one of them.
We had to switch seats and Jeff did not ask for questions so I thought my dream of getting my buff signed was over. As we were leaving, I noticed, Jeff was still in his chair so I asked one of the assistants if I could get an autograph. She was a meanar and said no autographs. I begged a little but was ready to take a no. Dena was already out the door. Then I saw my opportunity. The comedienne, Bridget, who was warming up the audience was just standing there. I handed her buff and my Sharpie. "Can you please ask Jeff to sign this? Its from the Africa season. I have been a fan since Day 1. Pleeeeease? And don't ask that other one. She already said no." " I can do that she says. She is mean." So she asked me my name and tells me to wait out of sight. 5 minutes later. Back she comes with my signed buff. She hugs me and says I asked a good question and Jeff was happy to sign it.
The experience was great from beginning to end. We didn't even have to deal with any traffic on the way up. On the way back, we pulled over and had some dinner to let the traffic clear up. It was a long day but so worth it.
Upon arriving, Dena and I signed in, showed ID and went through the metal detector. Of course we had to take each others picture outside the studio sign. Backstage, there was a makeup station where we had our make up done. There was also a photo booth, computers and snacks. Since we just got done lunch at Denny's on the corner, we weren't hungry for the snacks. (water, popchips, granola bars and gluten free cookies) A weirdo from NC was telling us how awesome the cookies were and took the whole container.

That dude was so weird. Dena was getting a little freaked out so I started asking him questions. I found out he was on vaca from NC and was going to be in the studio audience for a bunch of shows. That sounded interesting but he was so weird. He annoyed the make up people and security told him to cut it out or get out. We kept seeing him annoying other people. We stayed clear. Although at one point during taping, I turned around and he was ASLEEP. Holy Cow!!!
Since we had booked online, we were the third group to be called. First were the handicapped seats, then the superfans. The guests for the first show were the stars of the reality show Shahs of Sunset Blvd. That explained all the middle eastern looking people dripping gold.
We were seated in the second row on the end. Perfect seats, I thought. Although we were behind the chair where Jeff sat, we had a great view of the "shahs". They seem to be kind of Super rich Iranin Jersey Shore type people mixed with the Real Housewives of anywhere. We are definitely going to check out the show.
Of course I brought my Survivor buff from the Africa season, hoping to get an autograph. When Jeff walked out into the audience, he spotted it. He said, " Aha, a Survivor fan. Do you have a question?" At this point, " Can I have a hug or can you sign my buff?" seemed a little inappropriate, especially since I was wearing it as a headband. Like can you just sign my head. That would never make the cut to get on TV so you all can see me. I did have a question for the cast so maybe... Show airs Dec. 20 on NBC.
I was hoping during the break between shows, Jeff would be out in the audience so I could ger my chance. We did have a connection already. But no... backstage he went. Darn!!!
On the next show the guests were Jamie Getrz. She has been in a ton of stuff, starting with Square Pegs, Lost Boys and now on The Neighbors. Some show about Aliens next door. Seems funny. She was very personable and funny. I liked her. Also on that show was Constance Zimmer from Homeland, Entourage and now Grey's Anatomy. She wore high waist pants, a ruffly shirt and flat shoes. Man, did she she get it for the flat shoes. Even Jeff's wife, who is one of the producers weighed in about her shoes. The Shah people had the most awesome shoes by the way. EVERY one of them.
We had to switch seats and Jeff did not ask for questions so I thought my dream of getting my buff signed was over. As we were leaving, I noticed, Jeff was still in his chair so I asked one of the assistants if I could get an autograph. She was a meanar and said no autographs. I begged a little but was ready to take a no. Dena was already out the door. Then I saw my opportunity. The comedienne, Bridget, who was warming up the audience was just standing there. I handed her buff and my Sharpie. "Can you please ask Jeff to sign this? Its from the Africa season. I have been a fan since Day 1. Pleeeeease? And don't ask that other one. She already said no." " I can do that she says. She is mean." So she asked me my name and tells me to wait out of sight. 5 minutes later. Back she comes with my signed buff. She hugs me and says I asked a good question and Jeff was happy to sign it.
Next up... the Ellen Show
It is what it is...
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 21 - The Hollywood Edition
Good Morning,
If you notice the time of yesterday's post, 12:17, technically its today but whatever... As Seinfield said,"Don't break the chain." It is the consistent daily action that builds extraordinary outcomes. Skipping one day makes it easier to skip the next.
Today is the day! Going to Hollywood to see a taping of my celebrity crush, Jeff Probst's show! This is what I am wearing. Black pants, purple shirt, green sweater and fabulous jewelry.
Notice the very tall designer boots. Michael Michael Kors. Thanks Scott. I'm bringing back up foot wear for the drive home.
If you notice the time of yesterday's post, 12:17, technically its today but whatever... As Seinfield said,"Don't break the chain." It is the consistent daily action that builds extraordinary outcomes. Skipping one day makes it easier to skip the next.
Today is the day! Going to Hollywood to see a taping of my celebrity crush, Jeff Probst's show! This is what I am wearing. Black pants, purple shirt, green sweater and fabulous jewelry.
Notice the very tall designer boots. Michael Michael Kors. Thanks Scott. I'm bringing back up foot wear for the drive home.
I'm going with an acquaintance, Dena. She is a mom I know from Ericson. I put it out on Facebook to see who wanted to go. She volunteered so its just her and me. I was a little surprised when she said she wanted to go because I don't really know her at all. I guess we'll get to know each other pretty well today.
I wish I knew who the guests are or the topic so I can be prepared with a question. I wonder if there will be a special gift under the seats of the audience members.
The tribe has spoken!
It is what it is...
The Everyday Project Day 20
Came home from the Little League Presidents meeting at 8:45. By 9 I was asleep. I guess I'll have days like this. Too tired to be inspirational, informative or witty.
It is what it is ...
It is what it is ...
Monday, December 3, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 19
I'm subbing 2 days in Ms. Mary's moderate/severe class. Every time I sub there I am reminded of how blessed Scott and I are to have healthy, non-disabled children. (well maybe not the totally healthy part for Colin).
There are anywhere from 6-10 children in the class with varying degrees of autism, developmental delays and huge medical needs. Today there were 7. All are non-verbal. All need to be diapered and 3 need to have G-tube feedings. One is in a wheel chair and can't do anything. I think he has cerebral palsy.One medically fragile girl passed away last month.There are 3 aides and 1 teacher. When I am there Mr. Mel does pretty much nothing but diapering and feeding since I am not certified. The class isn't called moderate/severe for nothing.
I was eating lunch with the K teachers and another Ericson sub was there. He told me I was brave for taking that class. He would never take it. I told him I always take that class. I said the parents, Mary, Mel, Ricky and Karla are the brave ones. I'm only there once in awhile. They are there everyday.
The kids are loving, touchy, floppy and so low functioning. They are all grades K-3 with one 5th grader. They don't know numbers, letters, shapes, colors. We play with the stacking, light up and matching toys that infants use. We do circle time and bubbles. They have speech, OT, PT, APE and music therapy. We have sensory breaks. 2 can't have play dough because they eat everything. We go through tons of Purell and Kleenex. And they are supposed to be mainstreamed to their grade level classes. (but that's a whole nother subject) I have known some of these kids for 3 years. They are making progress! Slow but sure. I worry about their futures. Room 22 is my favorite class at Ericson.
It is what it is...
Project today is Mango Pepper Jelly for the craft fair on Saturday.
There are anywhere from 6-10 children in the class with varying degrees of autism, developmental delays and huge medical needs. Today there were 7. All are non-verbal. All need to be diapered and 3 need to have G-tube feedings. One is in a wheel chair and can't do anything. I think he has cerebral palsy.One medically fragile girl passed away last month.There are 3 aides and 1 teacher. When I am there Mr. Mel does pretty much nothing but diapering and feeding since I am not certified. The class isn't called moderate/severe for nothing.
I was eating lunch with the K teachers and another Ericson sub was there. He told me I was brave for taking that class. He would never take it. I told him I always take that class. I said the parents, Mary, Mel, Ricky and Karla are the brave ones. I'm only there once in awhile. They are there everyday.
The kids are loving, touchy, floppy and so low functioning. They are all grades K-3 with one 5th grader. They don't know numbers, letters, shapes, colors. We play with the stacking, light up and matching toys that infants use. We do circle time and bubbles. They have speech, OT, PT, APE and music therapy. We have sensory breaks. 2 can't have play dough because they eat everything. We go through tons of Purell and Kleenex. And they are supposed to be mainstreamed to their grade level classes. (but that's a whole nother subject) I have known some of these kids for 3 years. They are making progress! Slow but sure. I worry about their futures. Room 22 is my favorite class at Ericson.
It is what it is...
Project today is Mango Pepper Jelly for the craft fair on Saturday.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 18
When asked what super power you would want people may say invisibility, mind reading or flying. Not me.
My super power of choice would be time control.
Think about it... time travel. No more traffic. To NJ and back instantly.
The power to go back and have a "do over" for a mistake you made. Or try a different scenario.
The power to stop time. No more impulsive decisions.
The power to keep reliving the good and precious times.
Just sayin... Time control is the super power for me.
It is what it is...
My super power of choice would be time control.
Think about it... time travel. No more traffic. To NJ and back instantly.
The power to go back and have a "do over" for a mistake you made. Or try a different scenario.
The power to stop time. No more impulsive decisions.
The power to keep reliving the good and precious times.
Just sayin... Time control is the super power for me.
It is what it is...
Saturday, December 1, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 17
Make change of registration location flyer ✅
Go to rec center and run out of tape trying to get flyers up on the graffiti proof walls ✅
Go to Von's for more tape and muffins✅
Set up garage for registration ✅
Tutor kid✅
Run MMWLL registration in garage ✅
Go get Chick Fil A for lunch ✅
Take pictures of new jewelry ✅
Sweep floor multiple times because of all the dirt that keeps getting tracked in ✅
Try to update Etsy site but end up taking boys to Golden State Paintball shop ✅
Update website ✅
Post to Facebook ✅
Start dinner✅
Work on blog ✅
Get ready to relax with a book and some wine ✅
Get invited to a BBQ and decided to go ✅
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