I get to Colin's game today and during the inning change, the base ump asks me who we use to umpire our games. I tell him we have volunteers and some paid in house people. He precedes to tell me why we should use his organization and how great it is, how all his umpires are super qualified, blah, blah, blah.
During the 3rd inning, I see Andrew, who is catching, throw off his gear and have a giant, crying, screaming meltdown. It seems the plate umpire had told him he should learn how to catch and told the coach to take him out. Why, because he got hit a few times on passed balls! Dude, that's why you wear all that gear. And you are getting paid! And if you don't want to get hit, don't be an umpire and don't work Little League games.
None the less, you don't say that to a kid. And its not the umpires job to say that. Andrew said he was muttering under his breath the whole time before he lost it.
Scott goes ballistic and calls time and starts yelling at him. An arguement ensues. The base umpire comes in and says to Scott, "If you don't shut up, I'm going to toss you like a Caesars salad."
How professional. Needless to say, a complaint will be filed with the district as well as their Professional Umpire Organization.
I hear he didn't shut up the whole game, arguing with the fans, etc. I had to leave for Cara's game. We lost 17-7.
Not a day goes by...
It is what it is...
If he was a real man he would have said "Tossed like a chef's salad"! What man eats Ceasar Salad?
ReplyDeleteThat's terrible. So often I we hear of parents acting poorly but this is a first for me. How terrible.