Friday, March 8, 2013

The Everyday Project Day 113

Should we cancel, should we reschedule, what's the latest forecast???? That's what I have been listening to all day. Like the song says, "It never rains in Southern California, but it pours, man it pours." At least it did last night. If its actually raining, its so much easier than the weather watch that was going on today. At least by Scott. Me, not so much.

When the other leagues in our district started canceling games I was all in. We had some pretty hard showers today after a long night of rain. There is much more to consider when deciding to cancel than if it is actually going to rain tomorrow. Such as the wetness of the dirt and grass. When baseballs get wet, you can't use them. (I tried to dry a bucket of baseballs on cookie sheets in the oven after Colin left them out in the rain once. They stink)

 And who is actually going to work on the fields and rake and move the dirt? Can you use the mowers of will they tear up a wet field? Will kids fall in a sink hole and twist their ankle. How much work will be undone by playing on wet fields? What about snack bar and the people scheduled to work? ( another major headache of mine)

And in my opinion, people would want to know the night before so they can have the next day free to make plans.

So after listening to all the scenarios,  I said, "Games are cancelled." Except for Juniors who rescheduled to 1 pm. But they can take care of themselves.

After 6 emails regarding picture make up day, which is not up to me and I was trying to let the picture day coordinator do her job, I finally had to set them straight. Then the picture day coordinator  sent out an email that said," Marybeth has spoken the final word." I LOVE that!

It is what it is...

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