I have watched every season of Survivor since the first one. We are now on Season17. That was when I met Jeff Probst for the first time. He is so my celebrity crush, especially since John Travolta went to crazy town. Anyway, I could so be on that show. If Lisa Welchel (Blair from Facts of Life) can do it so can I. I kind of like her. She has been on the Jeff Probst Show 2 times now and she seems very nice.
On the show she has so many issues and playing the game the"right" way or the "be true to myself" way. People that play those games are doomed. It's not called Outplay, Outwit and Outlast for nothing. These people are not your friends.
Reasons I can be on Survivor: I am smart. I can keep my mouth shut. I can be friendly or pretend to be friendly with anyone for that amount of time. I would be useful and hard working around camp. I am semi athletic for someone of my advanced age. I could hang in the challenges. People like me.
Reasons preventing me from being on Survivor: I would miss my family. I am not very good at puzzles.The eating weird food would not be good.
The biggest reason? I would actually have to get it together and fill out the application and make an audition tape.
It is what it is...
My jewelry project did not get photographed. Will post it tomorrow. I did however, make this awesome meat lovers pizza.
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