Friday, November 16, 2012

The Everyday Project Day 2

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So how lame is this? I have been working backstage all week for the MET production of Big River. It is Cara's first time in a full on  professional musical. I am super tired, so I say to myself, "Self, just skip today. You are too tired." Ha, no way am I bailing on day 2. Lets go!

The Big River is FABULOUS!!!!! Everyone works so hard (myself included) to make this a quality production. In case you don't know, Big River is the story of Huckleberry Finn,a runaway slave named Jim and Tom Sawyer and their adventures on the Mississippi River.

 My main job is moving the house on and off stage and "dressing" it for different scenes. Dressing means switching out the props so it can be used for different scenes.  I am learning all kinds of new theater lingo.

Cara is part of the B group chorus. These are kids from about grade 4-6. She plays a girl as well as a boy. She actually has to wear a dress. We had to buy Mary Jane style shoes as well as jazz shoes. These are way less expensive than any kind of sports shoes so that is a bonus. She is not loving the dress part but hey, it's a costume and she gets that.

We have been at the theater from 4:30-10pm all week and today was the first show. I also spent Tuesday night hauling tons of plants from 2 different Home Depots and Jon B. even borrowed our truck on Wednesday. That's a whole nother story. Anyway, I am so impressed with Cara. She is so animated and takes her part very seriously. She learned the dances and the songs. She gets up and goes to school the next day and gets her homework done. She said, "Mom, isn't weird to hear me using dance words?"  I said, "You gotta learn the lingo." I hope she continues with this because MET is great group of people. They are very welcoming to newbies like us.

You know I love Little League and soccer but I have good memories of playing in the pit orchestra in HS and being a "band geek" back in the day.

It is what it it...

Today's jewelry is a picture jasper and jade Leaf necklace. You can visit it on my Etsy site.

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