Monday, November 19, 2012

The Everyday Project Day 5

Trouble in the Kingdom

There is trouble in the kingdom known as MMWLL. It seems as if some people have been having problems and keeping it to themselves. The only way problems can be solved is if they are made known to the people who can do something about it. By keeping problems to oneself and telling certain people not to tell anyone,  those people are actually creating further problems. Passive aggressiveness is not how adults resolve conflict. Put on your "big kid pants" and talk about your issues before they snowball into an avalanche of misunderstanding, ill will and hurt feelings.  Civil discussion and dialog is always encouraged and respected.

Research and creative thinking are  also part of the jewelry making processes. I have at least 3 design ideas that I am trying to make into reality. The Sundance catalog is a great inspiration. Also trying to work with what I have before I buy new is challenging.

It is what it is...

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