Sooo, Here's the update.
I had to email all of Colin's teachers about the WPW. Then had 3 separate phone calls with the nurse who is on campus 2 out of 5 days.
Click to see WPW Info
Talked to the cardiologist's office 2 times to ask questions and schedule appointments.
Colin has an appointment Tuesday to get a heart monitor. I'm not sure how long he will have to wear it. We will also meet with the actual doctor sometime too.
We have to call 911 if he has another episode. Same at school. The nurse made a flyer with his picture on it so now the whole staff knows who he is and what to do if he experiences the symptoms again.
Never a dull moment around here.
Its raining, its pouring, baseball registration tomorrow. I hope it clears up or maybe I can talk the rec center into giving us a room.
The craft fair went well for the time I was there. Thank goodness for Estella aka my 'seesta of another color'. She was there to help me out and ended up staying for the whole time and packing up for me when I had to leave. I made a little money but the clientele is not so great. A lot of lookie-loos and not too much into spending. All the kids know me and told their parents that I was the one who made the ornaments with them the last 2 years. Now that is an awesome craft! Plus I had fun.
I am doing 1, maybe 2 more shows plus my Open House next Friday. Now that will be a party! Food and booze galore. I have a new punch recipe to try and then there is the Brandy Fruit.
My prices are extremely reasonable for what you are getting. I sell the pre-made bracelets and earrings for $5 which is an awesome deal. They have real gemstones and genuine czech crystals. I pass my savings along. All of my handmade stuff is high quality and original. My time is worth it and I won't sell myself short it that area. Those who appreciate my work know where to find me...
It is what it is...
Just letting you know how my life is going... Like the title says, It is what it is...
Friday, November 30, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 15
Phone rings.
"Its Shannon. I have Colin in the nurse's office."
" Crap. I'm at the Ericson Craft Show. What's wrong now?"
" He's having shortness of breath, racing heart, sweating. You need to come get him."
"Be right there"
Do you think I should have said call 911? Do you think she should have said I'm calling 911? Nooooo. What the heck is wrong with both of us????
Get to school. He looks horrible. Pale, sweating, difficulty breathing. Do you think I said let's call 911? Noooo.
Me: Get in the car, we are going to Urgent Care.
Colin: I don't want to go.
Me: We are going . Colin starts crying.
We get there and check in. I tell them its Urgent. He needs to see someone NOW! Thank you Jasmine for getting him right in. They get him in and start taking vitals. His heart rate has returned to normal range. He stops sweating, its easier to breathe. He tells doctor that he is 4 on pain scale. Doctor asks what it was before. Colin tells him 10.
Nurse Shaun take a quick ECG. He says the Dr. looks really young. He has good skin. He'll be in to read the ECG in a few minutes.
Doctor comes in. Holy Doogie Houser! He says it looks like your son has Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. Its a heart condition where there is an extra pathway for the electrical signals that causes the heart to race, chest pain and difficulty breathing. There is a procedure called a radiofrequency catheter ablation to treat it. Go down to Children's Hospital ER immediately to confirm with a pediatric cardiologist.
Off we go.
Check in, hook him up, wait, x-ray, wait.
Cardiologist confirms diagnosis. Pediatric Cardiology will contact us by Monday or Tuesday to get a heart monitor that Colin will wear for a few weeks. Then they will decide on the treatment. He can go to school. No PE or sports. (just when he started back to soccer practice yesterday and was going to sign up for indoor soccer) Come back to ER immediately if it happens again.
Dang, this poor kid. He loves his sports and has missed so much time with the mono and now this.
6:30pm Get home. He eats then sits down to do his homework.
Colin: Mom, I'm really tired.
Me: What do you have to do?
Colin: English
Me: Go lay down. You don't have to do that.
Colin: Why?
Me: Because you spent the entire afternoon in the ER. I'll email your teachers that you will have any work that is due tomorrow turned in on Monday.
Colin: Thanks
Awesome thanks go to my "Seesta of another color" for taking over my jewelry table and packing everything up for me.
And to the super doctors, nurses and clerical people at Sharp Reese Stealy Urgent Care Sorrento Valley and Rady's Children's Hospital.
It is what it is...
Phone rings.
"Its Shannon. I have Colin in the nurse's office."
" Crap. I'm at the Ericson Craft Show. What's wrong now?"
" He's having shortness of breath, racing heart, sweating. You need to come get him."
"Be right there"
Do you think I should have said call 911? Do you think she should have said I'm calling 911? Nooooo. What the heck is wrong with both of us????
Get to school. He looks horrible. Pale, sweating, difficulty breathing. Do you think I said let's call 911? Noooo.
Me: Get in the car, we are going to Urgent Care.
Colin: I don't want to go.
Me: We are going . Colin starts crying.
We get there and check in. I tell them its Urgent. He needs to see someone NOW! Thank you Jasmine for getting him right in. They get him in and start taking vitals. His heart rate has returned to normal range. He stops sweating, its easier to breathe. He tells doctor that he is 4 on pain scale. Doctor asks what it was before. Colin tells him 10.
Nurse Shaun take a quick ECG. He says the Dr. looks really young. He has good skin. He'll be in to read the ECG in a few minutes.
Doctor comes in. Holy Doogie Houser! He says it looks like your son has Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. Its a heart condition where there is an extra pathway for the electrical signals that causes the heart to race, chest pain and difficulty breathing. There is a procedure called a radiofrequency catheter ablation to treat it. Go down to Children's Hospital ER immediately to confirm with a pediatric cardiologist.
Off we go.
Check in, hook him up, wait, x-ray, wait.
Cardiologist confirms diagnosis. Pediatric Cardiology will contact us by Monday or Tuesday to get a heart monitor that Colin will wear for a few weeks. Then they will decide on the treatment. He can go to school. No PE or sports. (just when he started back to soccer practice yesterday and was going to sign up for indoor soccer) Come back to ER immediately if it happens again.
Dang, this poor kid. He loves his sports and has missed so much time with the mono and now this.
6:30pm Get home. He eats then sits down to do his homework.
Colin: Mom, I'm really tired.
Me: What do you have to do?
Colin: English
Me: Go lay down. You don't have to do that.
Colin: Why?
Me: Because you spent the entire afternoon in the ER. I'll email your teachers that you will have any work that is due tomorrow turned in on Monday.
Colin: Thanks
Awesome thanks go to my "Seesta of another color" for taking over my jewelry table and packing everything up for me.
And to the super doctors, nurses and clerical people at Sharp Reese Stealy Urgent Care Sorrento Valley and Rady's Children's Hospital.
It is what it is...
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 14
Busy day for me! While waiting for the delivery of our chocolate bars for the fundraiser, I got all my jewelry organized and packed up for the Ericson Craft Show tomorrow.

My stuff was a mess. The project took about 3 hours. When I get to the show, all I will need to do is unpack and sell. Colin just decided he wants to play indoor soccer now that the outdoor season is almost done. I hope I make enough for the registration fee and the new indoor soccer shoes I'm sure he will need. And maybe some sushi for dinner.
Congrats to my sister on her Holly Trail work and her decisions for the future. I would love to be at the meeting when she drops the flash drive on the table and says, " It's been a pleasure working with you for all these years. I'm out." It will be a jaw dropping moment.
Survivor Night!!! WooHooo I may make a few ornaments for tomorrow since they were a big seller last year...depends on how much wine I drink watching Survivor.
It is what it is...
I finished up that leaf project and the bracelet that have been hanging out on my table waiting for some inspiration.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 13 - Clayton
I tutor a kid named Clayton. He is a perfectly nice kid. Colin and Andrew seem to think his name is hysterical.
Riding in the car they yell out the window, "Clayton- Clayton where are you? Come here Clayton! We miss you Clayton!"
They call random people Clayton. They call each other Clayton.
When Clayton is here. They don't talk to him. Not even, "Hi Clayton."
Sometimes I'm not too sure about those two.
It is what it is...
Scarf Project complete. Not sure what I think of it yet. I'm glad that I had that yarn and didn't invest any new money. Colin seems to like it as he is wearing it right now.
Riding in the car they yell out the window, "Clayton- Clayton where are you? Come here Clayton! We miss you Clayton!"
They call random people Clayton. They call each other Clayton.
When Clayton is here. They don't talk to him. Not even, "Hi Clayton."
Sometimes I'm not too sure about those two.
It is what it is...
Scarf Project complete. Not sure what I think of it yet. I'm glad that I had that yarn and didn't invest any new money. Colin seems to like it as he is wearing it right now.
Monday, November 26, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 12
Lots of stuff going on in the world of Little League today. Emails, bylaws, board agendas, fundraisers, meetings and then more emails...
Sorry this is so late. I am taking a break from the emails.
Highlights of the day: Both kids in school - full day. I went to yoga...OM to all and started a scarf I saw on Martha Stewart Craft of the Day. I actually had a bunch of yarn that I got for $1 at Big Lots about a year ago. I got it cut and organized. Tomorrow - the scarf.
It is what is it...
Sorry this is so late. I am taking a break from the emails.
Highlights of the day: Both kids in school - full day. I went to yoga...OM to all and started a scarf I saw on Martha Stewart Craft of the Day. I actually had a bunch of yarn that I got for $1 at Big Lots about a year ago. I got it cut and organized. Tomorrow - the scarf.
It is what is it...
Sunday, November 25, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 11
Went to yoga today feeling a little out of sorts. Earlier a bunch of inspirational stuff popped up on my Facebook. I know they are posted to inspire people, get them motivated, make then feel good, etc.. Heck, I have even done so myself. I decided to read a few of the longer ones, instead of just skimming in order to have something to focus on during yoga. Does anyone actually read what they post??? Figure out what it means? Think it actually applies to real life? Not to knock anyone down but really follow these suggestions and all will be right in your world.
1. Believe in the Lord ( or the Universe or your Higher Power)
2. Be nice.
3. Be happy.
4. Do your best.
4. Let go.
5. Realize other people's stuff is their stuff, not yours. Its about them, not you.
6. We are all in charge of our attitude. Adjust as needed to follow suggestions 1-5.
Why does The Dollar Store need a flyer in the Sunday paper when everything is $1? Come on people, the price is in the name... for everything.
It is what is is...
Manly bracelet from yesterday. Brushed pewter and distressed leather.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 10 Double Digit Edition
WooHoo - Double Digits! I have to admit that after doing about an hour of Little League stuff I almost said not today. No way, Not on Double Digit Day. Let's go...
Big praise to my awesome Christmas decorator, Cara. I got the stuff out of the garage, put up the tree and she did the rest. Tomorrow will be the house but the tree is DONE! That girl loves holidays. I love her enthusiasm.
Question of the day...Why do the lights that worked perfectly last year when I put them away, not work now???? Instead of working on my jewelry project, I was at Rite Aid getting lights. Why Rite Aid, you ask? We spend so much money on prescription drugs that we have a permanent 20% discount on everything. (except the usual list of items, drugs, booze, tobacco products, firearms, etc) I upgraded to the LED lights so hopefully they will work for more than one year and our outrageous electric bill will be manageable. Otherwise, its back to the cheapo $1.99 strands that don't work for more than a year anyway.
Small Business Saturday only cost me $20. If you use your registered AmEx card at a small business, AmEx will credit your bill for $25. Free money at my local bead shop! Wait til you see the "manly" bracelet I'm making. Deciding on and buying supplies count as working on jewelry.
It is what it is...
Big praise to my awesome Christmas decorator, Cara. I got the stuff out of the garage, put up the tree and she did the rest. Tomorrow will be the house but the tree is DONE! That girl loves holidays. I love her enthusiasm.
Question of the day...Why do the lights that worked perfectly last year when I put them away, not work now???? Instead of working on my jewelry project, I was at Rite Aid getting lights. Why Rite Aid, you ask? We spend so much money on prescription drugs that we have a permanent 20% discount on everything. (except the usual list of items, drugs, booze, tobacco products, firearms, etc) I upgraded to the LED lights so hopefully they will work for more than one year and our outrageous electric bill will be manageable. Otherwise, its back to the cheapo $1.99 strands that don't work for more than a year anyway.
Small Business Saturday only cost me $20. If you use your registered AmEx card at a small business, AmEx will credit your bill for $25. Free money at my local bead shop! Wait til you see the "manly" bracelet I'm making. Deciding on and buying supplies count as working on jewelry.
It is what it is...
Friday, November 23, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 9 - The Black Fiday Edition
On a scale of 1-10, I would have to say this Black Friday was a mediocre 6.5.
First of all my BF partner, Phyllis was not here. She did text me and say she was never, ever going to not be out here for Thanksgiving/Black Friday again.
I don't like that the stores open at midnight. 5 am I can do, midnight, not really. We always start out at Tilly's for the gift card at 5. But nooooo, this year they opened at midnight so now no Tilly's.
I usually don't have a big list and I will never go to a WalMart again on BF. The main stores are Tilly's, Old Navy, Kohls and Bed, Bath and Beyond.
Both Colin and Cara said they wanted to shop this year. Mostly because it involves breakfast at Denny's. I wake both of them up at 5:45 to see if they still want to go. "No", they say so off I go alone.
Nothing at Tilly's, nothing at Old Navy. I did pretty good at Kohl's with their discounts. I got the kids watches, Scott a bunch of pants ( I hope they fit) and 2 workout shirts and the ninja blender system for me. All for under $200. I also got $45 Kohl's cash and I was back home by 7:30.
Colin gets up and wants to know if I shopped and why didn't I wake him up. I told him I did and he didn't want to go. He didn't remember. Cara - same story only she was crying. Now I'm in the dog house with both kids. I told them we could go back out and go to Denny's. No takers. "Fine", I said.
So I took Cara to see the Rise of the Guardians. It was very glittery. Then back to Tilly's to pick out her new hoodie. ( that's what she wanted to do all along). All is good with her.
I ordered Colin's paintball gun online, took a nap (not something that I ever do), ordered our Christmas cards and got pizza for dinner.
Black Friday 2012 - Slightly better than average - 6.5
It is what it is...
Jewelry Project is spiral earrings.
First of all my BF partner, Phyllis was not here. She did text me and say she was never, ever going to not be out here for Thanksgiving/Black Friday again.
I don't like that the stores open at midnight. 5 am I can do, midnight, not really. We always start out at Tilly's for the gift card at 5. But nooooo, this year they opened at midnight so now no Tilly's.
I usually don't have a big list and I will never go to a WalMart again on BF. The main stores are Tilly's, Old Navy, Kohls and Bed, Bath and Beyond.
Both Colin and Cara said they wanted to shop this year. Mostly because it involves breakfast at Denny's. I wake both of them up at 5:45 to see if they still want to go. "No", they say so off I go alone.
Nothing at Tilly's, nothing at Old Navy. I did pretty good at Kohl's with their discounts. I got the kids watches, Scott a bunch of pants ( I hope they fit) and 2 workout shirts and the ninja blender system for me. All for under $200. I also got $45 Kohl's cash and I was back home by 7:30.
So I took Cara to see the Rise of the Guardians. It was very glittery. Then back to Tilly's to pick out her new hoodie. ( that's what she wanted to do all along). All is good with her.
I ordered Colin's paintball gun online, took a nap (not something that I ever do), ordered our Christmas cards and got pizza for dinner.
Black Friday 2012 - Slightly better than average - 6.5
It is what it is...
Jewelry Project is spiral earrings.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 8 Thanksgiving edition
Since this the day of Thanksgiving, lets go...
I am thanks for:
God for sending his Son, Jesus Christ to die for our sins.
My husband and my family who I love with all my heart.
The people in my life past and present who have helped me become the person I am today.
My OCD friend who has always and will always be there for me and me for her.
The military who willingly put themselves in harms way to ensure our freedom.
Shelter, food, freedom and water because so many struggle to get it.
Dang, that was deep. (but true) Now for the good stuff...
I am also thankful for: friends, Google, popcorn, adult beverages, yoga, duct tape, WD-40, internet banking, internet shopping, oh heck, internet anything, solar power, electricity, refrigeration, Apple, tv, books, groupons, wine, tequila, rum, brandy, champagne, OJ... oh wait , did I already mention adult beverages? Vacations, work, music, good health, Kohl's and their coupons, little league, glitter, chocolate, coffee, butter, bread, sushi, spandex, texting
and dare I put it down?
Facebook aghhhh
It is what it is
I am thanks for:
God for sending his Son, Jesus Christ to die for our sins.
My husband and my family who I love with all my heart.
The people in my life past and present who have helped me become the person I am today.
My OCD friend who has always and will always be there for me and me for her.
The military who willingly put themselves in harms way to ensure our freedom.
Shelter, food, freedom and water because so many struggle to get it.
Dang, that was deep. (but true) Now for the good stuff...
I am also thankful for: friends, Google, popcorn, adult beverages, yoga, duct tape, WD-40, internet banking, internet shopping, oh heck, internet anything, solar power, electricity, refrigeration, Apple, tv, books, groupons, wine, tequila, rum, brandy, champagne, OJ... oh wait , did I already mention adult beverages? Vacations, work, music, good health, Kohl's and their coupons, little league, glitter, chocolate, coffee, butter, bread, sushi, spandex, texting
and dare I put it down?
Facebook aghhhh
It is what it is
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 7
I have watched every season of Survivor since the first one. We are now on Season17. That was when I met Jeff Probst for the first time. He is so my celebrity crush, especially since John Travolta went to crazy town. Anyway, I could so be on that show. If Lisa Welchel (Blair from Facts of Life) can do it so can I. I kind of like her. She has been on the Jeff Probst Show 2 times now and she seems very nice.
On the show she has so many issues and playing the game the"right" way or the "be true to myself" way. People that play those games are doomed. It's not called Outplay, Outwit and Outlast for nothing. These people are not your friends.
Reasons I can be on Survivor: I am smart. I can keep my mouth shut. I can be friendly or pretend to be friendly with anyone for that amount of time. I would be useful and hard working around camp. I am semi athletic for someone of my advanced age. I could hang in the challenges. People like me.
Reasons preventing me from being on Survivor: I would miss my family. I am not very good at puzzles.The eating weird food would not be good.
The biggest reason? I would actually have to get it together and fill out the application and make an audition tape.
It is what it is...
My jewelry project did not get photographed. Will post it tomorrow. I did however, make this awesome meat lovers pizza.
On the show she has so many issues and playing the game the"right" way or the "be true to myself" way. People that play those games are doomed. It's not called Outplay, Outwit and Outlast for nothing. These people are not your friends.
Reasons I can be on Survivor: I am smart. I can keep my mouth shut. I can be friendly or pretend to be friendly with anyone for that amount of time. I would be useful and hard working around camp. I am semi athletic for someone of my advanced age. I could hang in the challenges. People like me.
Reasons preventing me from being on Survivor: I would miss my family. I am not very good at puzzles.The eating weird food would not be good.
The biggest reason? I would actually have to get it together and fill out the application and make an audition tape.
It is what it is...
My jewelry project did not get photographed. Will post it tomorrow. I did however, make this awesome meat lovers pizza.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 6
I am looking forward to posting the day # in double digits.
News of the day is Cara has taken on the job of Secret Santa Coordinator for the the family's Christmas gift exchange. She is busy emailing everyone with their name. This year's theme is "Your Favorite Color". I love her enthusiasm! She is the perfect person for the job.
Today's project is this wood and marble pendant necklace. There are many contrasts. The warm softness of the wood and the cool hardness of the marble. The stratification of the marble reminds me of the planet Jupiter and the wood it's orbit. I made the bail in a free form wire wrap that is kind of organic in how it ties all the elements together yet contrasts with the perfect circles of the wooden ring and marble sphere. Holy Cow, sounds like I know what I'm talking about. Sign me up for my Inside the Artist's Studio interview.
It is what it is...
News of the day is Cara has taken on the job of Secret Santa Coordinator for the the family's Christmas gift exchange. She is busy emailing everyone with their name. This year's theme is "Your Favorite Color". I love her enthusiasm! She is the perfect person for the job.
Today's project is this wood and marble pendant necklace. There are many contrasts. The warm softness of the wood and the cool hardness of the marble. The stratification of the marble reminds me of the planet Jupiter and the wood it's orbit. I made the bail in a free form wire wrap that is kind of organic in how it ties all the elements together yet contrasts with the perfect circles of the wooden ring and marble sphere. Holy Cow, sounds like I know what I'm talking about. Sign me up for my Inside the Artist's Studio interview.
It is what it is...
Monday, November 19, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 5
Trouble in the Kingdom
There is trouble in the kingdom known as MMWLL. It seems as if some people have been having problems and keeping it to themselves. The only way problems can be solved is if they are made known to the people who can do something about it. By keeping problems to oneself and telling certain people not to tell anyone, those people are actually creating further problems. Passive aggressiveness is not how adults resolve conflict. Put on your "big kid pants" and talk about your issues before they snowball into an avalanche of misunderstanding, ill will and hurt feelings. Civil discussion and dialog is always encouraged and respected.
Research and creative thinking are also part of the jewelry making processes. I have at least 3 design ideas that I am trying to make into reality. The Sundance catalog is a great inspiration. Also trying to work with what I have before I buy new is challenging.
It is what it is...
There is trouble in the kingdom known as MMWLL. It seems as if some people have been having problems and keeping it to themselves. The only way problems can be solved is if they are made known to the people who can do something about it. By keeping problems to oneself and telling certain people not to tell anyone, those people are actually creating further problems. Passive aggressiveness is not how adults resolve conflict. Put on your "big kid pants" and talk about your issues before they snowball into an avalanche of misunderstanding, ill will and hurt feelings. Civil discussion and dialog is always encouraged and respected.
Research and creative thinking are also part of the jewelry making processes. I have at least 3 design ideas that I am trying to make into reality. The Sundance catalog is a great inspiration. Also trying to work with what I have before I buy new is challenging.
It is what it is...
Sunday, November 18, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 4
Well it was an interesting day around here. I worked on a project I started yesterday. Its still not done but hey, I found some time. I'm not sure where its going but I am definitely working on a leaf theme.
I was dressed and ready for yoga when I got a call from Colin's baseball coach that the snack bar had been broken into. We have been having trouble with some gang called Asian Crips so it was probably them. It must have been a busy day on the "Mesa" because it took over an hour for the police to come. How nice it would be to have ultimate power and electrify the fence. I would put a big sign on it that it was an electric fence. touch at your own risk. Those dumb a-holes would probably not believe it and fry their stupid selves. HaHa (evil laugh).
Thank goodness Scott was around to file the report as it was Cara's final performance of Big River. Chuck, Peggy and Zack came to watch and they were full of compliments. Cara is a natural but next is baseball season. She will go back to theater next fall. How beautiful does she look????
Water bottle update: Its gone. Not too bad. Only 3 days.
It is what it is...
Saturday, November 17, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 3
There are 2 things that are bothering me right now. 1 is kind of big and the other pretty small.
The bigger is this section from the play Big River. I have been hearing it multiple times per day for a week now and it still hits me the same way. With sadness and revulsion.
The other is this water bottle. It has been at the foot of my bed for 2 days since 11-15. It's not mine. I'm going to keep track of it until someone picks it up. Lets see how long it will last.
The bigger is this section from the play Big River. I have been hearing it multiple times per day for a week now and it still hits me the same way. With sadness and revulsion.
The other is this water bottle. It has been at the foot of my bed for 2 days since 11-15. It's not mine. I'm going to keep track of it until someone picks it up. Lets see how long it will last.
It is what it is...
Project of the day is Sea Salt Caramels. $5 per 1/4 pound. Order some for yourself or gifts.
Friday, November 16, 2012
The Everyday Project Day 2
You may share or forward to anyone you think may be interested. It is helpful to join Google+. Just sayin...
So how lame is this? I have been working backstage all week for the MET production of Big River. It is Cara's first time in a full on professional musical. I am super tired, so I say to myself, "Self, just skip today. You are too tired." Ha, no way am I bailing on day 2. Lets go!
The Big River is FABULOUS!!!!! Everyone works so hard (myself included) to make this a quality production. In case you don't know, Big River is the story of Huckleberry Finn,a runaway slave named Jim and Tom Sawyer and their adventures on the Mississippi River.
My main job is moving the house on and off stage and "dressing" it for different scenes. Dressing means switching out the props so it can be used for different scenes. I am learning all kinds of new theater lingo.
Cara is part of the B group chorus. These are kids from about grade 4-6. She plays a girl as well as a boy. She actually has to wear a dress. We had to buy Mary Jane style shoes as well as jazz shoes. These are way less expensive than any kind of sports shoes so that is a bonus. She is not loving the dress part but hey, it's a costume and she gets that.
We have been at the theater from 4:30-10pm all week and today was the first show. I also spent Tuesday night hauling tons of plants from 2 different Home Depots and Jon B. even borrowed our truck on Wednesday. That's a whole nother story. Anyway, I am so impressed with Cara. She is so animated and takes her part very seriously. She learned the dances and the songs. She gets up and goes to school the next day and gets her homework done. She said, "Mom, isn't weird to hear me using dance words?" I said, "You gotta learn the lingo." I hope she continues with this because MET is great group of people. They are very welcoming to newbies like us.
You know I love Little League and soccer but I have good memories of playing in the pit orchestra in HS and being a "band geek" back in the day.
It is what it it...
Today's jewelry is a picture jasper and jade Leaf necklace. You can visit it on my Etsy site.
So how lame is this? I have been working backstage all week for the MET production of Big River. It is Cara's first time in a full on professional musical. I am super tired, so I say to myself, "Self, just skip today. You are too tired." Ha, no way am I bailing on day 2. Lets go!
The Big River is FABULOUS!!!!! Everyone works so hard (myself included) to make this a quality production. In case you don't know, Big River is the story of Huckleberry Finn,a runaway slave named Jim and Tom Sawyer and their adventures on the Mississippi River.
My main job is moving the house on and off stage and "dressing" it for different scenes. Dressing means switching out the props so it can be used for different scenes. I am learning all kinds of new theater lingo.
Cara is part of the B group chorus. These are kids from about grade 4-6. She plays a girl as well as a boy. She actually has to wear a dress. We had to buy Mary Jane style shoes as well as jazz shoes. These are way less expensive than any kind of sports shoes so that is a bonus. She is not loving the dress part but hey, it's a costume and she gets that.
We have been at the theater from 4:30-10pm all week and today was the first show. I also spent Tuesday night hauling tons of plants from 2 different Home Depots and Jon B. even borrowed our truck on Wednesday. That's a whole nother story. Anyway, I am so impressed with Cara. She is so animated and takes her part very seriously. She learned the dances and the songs. She gets up and goes to school the next day and gets her homework done. She said, "Mom, isn't weird to hear me using dance words?" I said, "You gotta learn the lingo." I hope she continues with this because MET is great group of people. They are very welcoming to newbies like us.
You know I love Little League and soccer but I have good memories of playing in the pit orchestra in HS and being a "band geek" back in the day.
It is what it it...
Today's jewelry is a picture jasper and jade Leaf necklace. You can visit it on my Etsy site.
The Story of Trash
This is an oldie that I guess I forgot to post. It is not a substitute for Day 2 of the Everyday Project.
Once upon a time, on or about January 29, 2012, a call went out through the kingdom know as MMWLL. There would be an All League meeting and work party. All were invited to attend. Many did and between then and the start of the season, the kingdom was clean. Most teams worked on the designated days. Some did not and suffered the penalty of not practicing. But the kingdom was clean.
Once upon a time, on or about January 29, 2012, a call went out through the kingdom know as MMWLL. There would be an All League meeting and work party. All were invited to attend. Many did and between then and the start of the season, the kingdom was clean. Most teams worked on the designated days. Some did not and suffered the penalty of not practicing. But the kingdom was clean.
As time went on, the trash cans were not emptied at the end of each day. They became full and overflowed. Pieces of trash blew out of the trash cans and hovered near their former home. Once in a while a great wind would blow through the kingdom and the lonely trash would move farther and farther away until it clung to the fences or nestled in the weeds. Oh how the trash longed to be in a receptacle such as a trash can or especially the dumpster. And now the MMWLL is not clean. Trash cans overflow. Trash litters the kingdom.
A great tournament will be held called the TOC. Visitors from miles around will see our trash and not be pleased. The president and her court will not be pleased. Our league will not be looked favorably upon.
Divisions with clean fields will be praised and rewarded. Divisions with trashy fields will be called out.
It is what it is....
Thursday, November 15, 2012
The Everyday Project
They say you should do what you love and love what you do. You should make time for what you love. I have been thinking about this quite a bit. I have been neglecting this blog lately. I have not been as creative as I like to be with my jewelry projects. So in an attempt to find out if we can really make the time for what we love...
A new project has begun. I am calling it the Everyday Project.
Everyday starting today, for 1 year, I will attempt to write at least something and make something.That way, if I can't think of something to write about, I can at least write about what I made.
I got the idea from a woman I heard on the radio who did something similar. She felt her life wasn't going the way she wanted it to and there was something missing. So she started the Kindness Project. Everyday she would do something kind. It changed her life. It got her on the radio at least.
Why start today, you ask? Why not wait for a milestone day like New Year's Day, my birthday or a Monday at the very least? Well, there's no time like the present. So lets go!
It is what it is...
Today's project: a wrap bracelet made with Swarovski crystals. It wraps 4 times around the wrist. The next project is to try to keep my Etsy shop updated with all of my new work.
A new project has begun. I am calling it the Everyday Project.
Everyday starting today, for 1 year, I will attempt to write at least something and make something.That way, if I can't think of something to write about, I can at least write about what I made.
I got the idea from a woman I heard on the radio who did something similar. She felt her life wasn't going the way she wanted it to and there was something missing. So she started the Kindness Project. Everyday she would do something kind. It changed her life. It got her on the radio at least.
Why start today, you ask? Why not wait for a milestone day like New Year's Day, my birthday or a Monday at the very least? Well, there's no time like the present. So lets go!
It is what it is...
Today's project: a wrap bracelet made with Swarovski crystals. It wraps 4 times around the wrist. The next project is to try to keep my Etsy shop updated with all of my new work.
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