Sunday, October 12, 2014

Where The Hell is El Centro?

Well, its about 1/2 way between San Diego and Phoenix. Basically it is over the mountains and in the desert (or The Sand, as Colin calls it) That's where we had to travel Colin's game this weekend.

In general, any where I have to go in SD is 45 minutes or less. Growing up in rural NJ it was 45 minutes or more. Oh how we forget!

So we did like any spoiled family would do. Instead of getting up early and driving the 2 hours to El Centro, we booked a hotel, packed up the car and planned a party! 5 more of Colin's teammates thought this was an awesome idea as well.
Did I mention we only went 2 hours away for 1 night??? We NEED our supplies!

The boys played FIFA on Colin's PS4 and the parents bonded over booze in the lobby of the Fairfield Inn. A great time was had by all.

The game resulted in a 3-3 tie with Colin scoring 2 of the goals. That boy can play soccer!

As you know, Scott and I celebrated our 20th anniversary this week. Not on a fancy vacation but in the middle of The Sand in El Centro. We did get these 2 anniversary cards. One from my dad and one from his sister, Aunt Joan (aka AJ)

All I have to say is great minds think alike... well almost. One also contained a big, fat check! Thanks Dad!

It is what it is...

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