Sunday, October 19, 2014


Let's all think back to English Class. I know, its been a while for most of us, but try to remember.
Pre- a prefix meaning "before"

We are quite familiar with "pre" here at the MacNaughtons. Mostly as in the weekday Thursday being "pre"Friday. It's Colin's way of making it through the week since Friday is his favorite day.

Today we are talking about "pre"fishing.*
*disclaimer-all definitions and explanations come to me via my husband and fisherman, Scott MacNaughton. As there has been a lot of pre-fishing going on the last 2 weeks, it will be recalled to the best of my ability.

Pre-fishing - all activity related to a fishing trip done before the fishing trip.

Pre-fishing begins 1-2 weeks before the actual trip.

Pre fishing checklist:
Forget about how tired, sore and stinky you were after the last fishing trip and how you said you were never going on a 2 day trip again.
Check all fishing gear you MAY need.
Find stuff you forgot you had. Do a little happy dance.
Get reels restrung.
Buy new lures.
Drool over all the fancy and exciting gear you want to buy but either won't need or its too expensive.
Check with friends who are going to see what they are bringing.
Check with friends who are not going to let them know YOU ARE GOING FISHING!!!! Ask to borrow stuff from them.
Check fish reports (multiple times per day)
Check weather reports (multiple times per day)
Check ocean temperature and wave height reports ( multiple times per day)
Check all favorite fishing websites, groups, blogs, etc (also multiple times per day)
Pray to the fishing gods that the fish stay around or if they are not around, come back.
Check back with friends on all of the above.
Pack up gear and clothes
Check above.
Repack gear and clothes.
Justify cost of the trip by calculating the price per pound of the fish you will catch and will not have to buy. And mention how tasty freshly caught fish will be vs the frozen kind from the store.
Think about the awesome poke (raw fish prepared the Hawaiian way) your wife will make.
Buy snacks and drinks for the trip.
Check back with friends to see what they are bringing.
Confer with friends on what time you will get to the boat. Plan to go earlier to get the preferred bunk.
Dream about the wahoo you want to catch.
Talk about the wahoo you want to catch.
Go buy a new lure to catch the big wahoo.
Keep repeating until you...
Go fishing!

It is what it is...

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