Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Everyday Project Day 294

I saw an intriguing recipe on a blog that I follow called Herbs and Oils World  ( for Korean Honey Lemon Tea. It is supposed to be good for sore throats. As you well know, Colin had a tough time last year with the mono and the WPW procedure. I want to keep him as healthy as possible. Plus he likes tea. And Scott or Cara are always on the sore throat/headache merry-go-round soooo - and they like honey and lemons. Win-Win!!!

Not being one to sit around and wish I would make this or pin it on that timesuck Pinterest,  I put out a post on Facebook to see if anyone had any spare lemons or to trade for limes. Turns out Nicole, the mom of one of my tutor kids, has a lemon tree and she was willing to give some up.

I love to have jars with stuff floating around. It looks so artsy and zen. (Well except for that vinegar and oil I opened at my dad's house. I'm thinking at least 10 years! You actually have to use the stuff in a reasonable time frame.) I think I am channeling my nana, my dad's mom. I'm pretty sure Nana would be proud.

The final result should be ready in a few days. The blog says you can keep adding to it since honey is a natural preservative.

I'm sure by that time I'll figure out how to add booze.

It is what it is...

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