Monday, September 2, 2013

The Everyday Project Day 288

I'm kinda getting caught up on stuff but it sure is hard as I want the vacation mode to last as long as it can. You know happy hour, snacks, etc.

Sneak preview: I will be starting to  look for a full time job in the next 2 week. Yes, you heard it correctly so I won't say it again. FTJ! AGHHHHHH!!!!!

 We can only take so many years of paycuts from CH Robinson. And it probably won't be in education. They are still laying off or rearranging teachers here in SD and my age and my non-PC ways make opportunities limited. I don't get enough work subbing exclusively at Ericson and I really don't have it in me to leave my teaching comfort zone at Ericson. Plus I want a job that I can go to, work and then leave. I'm thinking Trader Joe's or airline ticket/gate person... hard worker, good personality, smart...Little League President? Been there, Done that.

Any suggestions?

It is what it is...

1 comment:

  1. Trader joes would be an awesome place to work! I have heard excellent things about Costco, too... Lots of raises and promotions.
