DOD (Drama of the Day) After I left to go to the Tournament Director's meeting, I find out a mom, the wife of the team manager is standing out in center field with a glove on her hand yelling, "Hit one out! Hit one to Momma!) Her son has already hit a number of balls out, which is fantastic, but seriously? Talk about unsportsmanlike behavior. That got the other team stirred up and Scott had to escort a different coach from that team to the parking lot. This is what I have to hear about when I got home after a perfectly drama free and informative meeting. Sheesh!
Couldn't someone couldn't have calmly walked out there and talked to her??? Noooooo. Now I will have a little chat with her before the next game on Tuesday, when they play Cara's team.
It is what it is...
There are some awful Parents out there when it comes to sports! Have a great time at the cabin!