Friday, May 3, 2013

The Everyday Project Day 169

Best excuse since the dog ate my homework: (yesterday, May 2) Can you take back my LL Day at the Padres Tickets or find someone that would like to buy them? I forgot I was getting married on May 4.

The game is on May 5.

Next call goes like this: (yesterday, May 2) Is it too late to get tickets for LL Day at the Padres? I just found out about it.

Me: (in my brain) WTF??? This has been on every email blast since Feb. Its been emailed to managers and team parents at least 3 times. Its on the website. Its on Facebook. And you just found out about this??? What rock are you living under???

Me: ( to her) Funny you should ask. Your team mom is looking to get rid of her tickets. I'm sure you two can work something out.

It is what it is...

Who can do the splits? Me (age 50), Marlene (age 62) Oh yea!!!

1 comment:

  1. Holy Moly, some people are so damn clueless! hahahahaha... and way to go on the splits! WOW!
