Friday, July 11, 2014

Its A Bad Word

The third grade class I was in yesterday was so ridiculous I was laughing inside my head. I have been in this class before and it is full of the most tattling, busybody, argumentative kids I have ever seen. The teacher gets really stressed out when she has to leave them because other subs have complained. She is a personal friend of mine so I do it. You just have to have the right mind set. I don't expect to get too much work done but I keep them in line with points, stickers, games, etc and the grand prize of the day is - wait for it - 1 starburst for the winning table. Yup! That's it. 1 measly little starburst.

But yesterday they were over the top, even for them. They argue about literally everything!
My first words yesterday:

Me: We are going to have a happy, fun, quiet day. You are going to keep your hands, feet, body parts, words and objects to yourself. Unnecessary comments and back talk will be not tolerated. No telling on your classmates unless you have peed your pants, are bleeding from your brain or are dead. We will be doing table points and teacher vs students. Winning table will get a fabulous prize!

It starts already...
Kid: What if there is a tie?
Me: There are no ties?
Kid: Well, what if there is?
Me: There are no ties.
Same kid: What is there really is a tie?
Me: Unnecessary comment. I already answered that question. Point for me and for every other table but yours.
Class: Yay!!!
Me: Unnecessary comments. Another point for me and I'm erasing the points I just gave you.

I said Unnecessary comment so many times before recess that at recess, I recorded it on my phone and just played that for a while. I'd say about 1/2 the class figured out how to be quiet and not comment on everything I or any one else said.

Finally...a kid told on another kid for something so stupid.
Me: Are you telling on someone?
Kid: No, he took my colored pencil.
Me: So that's not telling?
Other kid: I didn't take that pencil.
Kid: Yes, You did!
This went back and forth 2 more times.
Me: Aren't you sharing the colored pencils? Where is the pencil?
Kid: Looks around and finds it on his left side instead of between them.
Me: Could it be possible that he put the pencil down on his other side and didn't put it between you? Why didn't you just ask him if he saw the pencil before you have a tattle tale fit? This one of the more stupid argument I have heard today.

The class erupts!
Stupid is a bad word! No, its not! Yes it is!
Me: Now this is really he stupidest argument I have heard today. Quiet game is on! Quietest table for the next 5 minutes gets 10 table points!

Game on! Instant silence!

It is what it is...


  1. I don't know HOW you do it! I would be crazy after an hour of that!

    1. It helps that its my only school and I know what to expect. I am pretty calm about things. LOL
