And here is my Presidential Message:
"To everything there is a time, a season and a purpose."
It has been my purpose the last three year to guide MMWLL and hopefully leave it a little better, a little more organized and well on its way for future generations of Mira Mesa Little Leaugers.
The seasons have been many. The MacNaughtons started with MMWLL in the spring of 2006 when my son, Colin joined the farm division Marlins. A year later, my daughter Cara started in t-ball on the Twins. I remember looking longingly at the next field thinking how much bigger those kids looked and how advanced they were compared to where we were.
Now my time at MMWLL is coming to its end. Here it is 2014 and Colin has been playing on the "Big Field" for 2 years. Cara will probably finish in the 2015 season at age 13. It is my sincere hope that some new dedicated and committed people will realize it is their time for Little League and see MMWLL through the planned field renovations and well into the future.
Many thanks go out to the people that helped me "Run the Fun". I especially thank my husband, Scott, and children, Colin and Cara for always supporting me and understanding when I have to go to meetings, am on the computer for hours at a time or just have to "run over to the field to check something out." They all pitch in where needed, doing things like cutting the grass every week and jumping in to help when the snack bar line is out the door.
From driving around in mini earth movers to removing dead animals from the trash cans to eliminating hobo dens, Eric Christian and his crew have kept the fields looking awesome all season.
Synthia Chang has stepped up and done an AMAZING job of running the Snack Shack. She and her sidekick, Taylor have kept our kids full of red vines and slushies all season. Thanks as well to the parents who worked their Snack Shack shifts and to our teens who worked when the parents couldn't.
Special thanks to Tony and Sue Pugliese for spending 2 weekends rebuilding the Juniors scorebooth and replacing the faucet in the Snack bar.
The board, the managers, the team parents and all the other volunteers have been a pleasure to work with. Their "let's get it done" attitude and spirit of cooperation has made these 3 years relatively drama free.
To immortalize the Junior's team battle cry in the history of Mira Mesa West Little League:
"I want my Christmas Donuts!"
Play Ball!
FYI, I got one taker on the yesterday's email. Dennis from the minors division decided he would give it a shot will never guess who else. That's right. That bad penny, Isaac. His girlfriend called me out on the email because she nominated him before he resigned. And of course he accepted. OMG!!! When I questioned him as why he would even accept given his very public feeling on LL, he gave me a bs answer and apology. Blah, Blah. If its close which I doubt, there could be some election fixing going on...
It is what it is...
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