Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Quiz Time

Its Quiz Time Folks!

1. If you are a 4th grade student and your substitute teacher (nicely called Visiting Teacher in the SDUSD) politely asks the class to get their literature texts and their literature journals out, move to the spots they "normally" sit in and be quiet so we can get started, you should:
A. follow the directions exactly
B. ask where to sit
C. ask what do I  need
D. roll on the floor and bump into my classmates
E. B,C,D in any or all combinations.

2. If you are a 4th grade student and your substitute teacher politely asks you to only bring to the carpet only the required materials, you should:
A. follow the directions exactly
B. bring ALL 10 of  your erasers that are shaped like band instruments and set up your pretend band on the floor and disturb your classmates with them
C. be completely surprised when your band instrument erasers are taken away from you.
D. try to blame it on your classmates when your band instrument erasers are taken away from you.
E. B,C,D in any or all combinations.

3. If you are a 4th grade student and your substitute teacher politely asks you to keep all of your "stuff" in your desk and not play with it or it will be taken away, put in a big pile and left for your regular teacher with a note saying, "This pile of stuff was taken away from students who were playing with it at inappropriate times." You should:
A. follow directions exactly
B. play with your stuff
C. argue with your substitute teacher
D. blame it on your classmates
E. B,C,D in any and all combinations

4. If you are a 4th grade student and your substitute teacher politely gives you time to use the restroom before class starts, after morning recess, and after lunch recess, tells you not to raise your hand and interrupt a lesson because it is rude and off topic and it will cost you $10 for your classroom money if you REALLY need to go bad enough to disrupt the class, you should:
A. follow the directions and wait until there is a break in the lesson or an activity change
B. get right in the teacher's face and wave your hand around
C. stand up and do the pee-pee dance in the middle of the lesson.
D. whine and complain about the $10 in classroom money
E. B,C,D in any and all combinations

5. If you are a 4th grade student and your substitute teacher politely asks you to walk properly in line by keeping your feet on the floor, your  hands to yourself and your voice turned off, you should:
A. follow the directions exactly
B. hug, hang on, grab or in any other way touch your classmates
C. spin around in circles with your lunch box flying so you hit the teacher and knock the can of Diet Coke out of her hand.
D. run from the front of the line to the back, trip someone and and then fall yourself
E. B,C,D in any and all combinations

6. If you are a substitute teacher that has spent 2 days in this classroom, and have rewarded the students that were following the rules by:
A. using them an example of what to do and how to behave
B. praising them individually and as a group, etc
C. letting them earn extra privileges
D.  giving them tons of classroom money
E. B,C,D in any and all combinations
F. Put this class on your personal "Do Not Accept" list

I'm choosing F for question 6.

It is what it is...

1 comment:

  1. omg! that's awful! But I have to laugh at the quiz... LOL
