My dad is coming tomorrow!!! Yay!!! He is coming to watch the kids while Scott and I go to a fancy resort in Arizona on Thursday. Check it out here
"Why are you going there?", you ask. All the 19 and 20 year employees from CH Robinson (Scott's company) are going for an all expenses paid reward weekend. We will mingle with the other employee's and their spouses, get spa treatments, relax poolside, play golf and have an awesome time. At 10 years, we went to Amelia Island, FL.
The funniest thing about my dad is he doesn't even answer to "Dad" anymore.
Me: Dad, Dad, Dad... Grandpa!
Dad: What?
Scott and I were talking about the rides and sports and schedules. Of course Scott is all about them getting to baseball and soccer. I said he also has to drive the carpool home from Wangenheim. Colin hears us talking.
Colin: Grandpa used to be a pilot. I'm sure he can handle 5 kids in a carpool.
It is what it is...
looks wonderful. have a marvelous time. Annie