Happy Halloween!
It's funny how when kids are little, they start talking about Halloween,in like, August or as soon as they get done trick or treating. Now at 5pm, Colin and Jack just start talking about what they are wearing or in Colin's case if he is going at all. He did not go out last year.
Master of the understated...He is a Panda....
For the 1st time ever, our house was dark. I did feel bad about Colin's indecision and bought a bunch of candy so he would have some and in case we got some early trick or treaters, which we did.
Cara went with her friends as a zombie baseball player. I think she has some make up skills. Via YouTube of course. She had me convinced with the scars.
Scott and I went to a party at the Clemen's (Jacks parents) along with a bunch of other friends. They were home base for all the teens. Scott's horrifying moment was Cadence's costume. She went as barefoot and pregnant or 16 and pregnant...either way...we don't want to see Cadence preggers...
My contribution? Swamp Punch! (Aka Carmel Appletini) Oh Yea! A hit as always.
Carmel vodka, apple schnapps, sweet and sour and gummy worm ice cubes. Skills!
It is what it is...
Just letting you know how my life is going... Like the title says, It is what it is...
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
The Evdryday Project Day 346
What happens when you don't sign out of your Google account? Your kid changes your profile picture to his computer teacher. Just in case you were wondering why there is a picture of Mr. Petrine.
Nice prank, Colin.
It is what it is...
Nice prank, Colin.
It is what it is...
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
The Everyday Project Day 345
At Ericson Elementary, they have what is called Collaboration Days. Each grade level gets together for a 1/2 day of planning, etc 2 or 3 times per year. Great concept. Its very sad that each teacher only gets 1 hour per week as a prep and they need to hire subs to take the class so they can colaborate with their peers. And boy do they treasure their 1 hour per week. I had to explain this to my 3rd grade class today when they didn't get to go to music. I'm sure their teacher traded with someone else so she would not have to give up her prep and they would have music class sometime later in the week.
You would think 4th graders could walk calmly in a line. The second part of my day was in 4th. I was to take them outside for free time at the end of the day after they finished the science test. One kid could not get his desk straightened up and his back pack packed. He wasted 20 minutes for the class. Finally, they are packed up and lined up and had about 8 minutes left before the bell.
Me: Start walking to the playground.
The first half of the class starts running. A girl falls. Kids run over her. She cries. I get the class together on the playground. Other classes are out for PE or a few minutes of free time. Tons of parents are already there for pick up.
My class gets a verbal smack down and then they had to practice walking around the 4 square courts on the lines, in a straight line, voices off for the last 5 minutes of the day. The girl that got knocked down got to watch the rest of the class walking in a line.
Walk in a line kiddies. Don't mess with this sub.
It is what it is...
You would think 4th graders could walk calmly in a line. The second part of my day was in 4th. I was to take them outside for free time at the end of the day after they finished the science test. One kid could not get his desk straightened up and his back pack packed. He wasted 20 minutes for the class. Finally, they are packed up and lined up and had about 8 minutes left before the bell.
Me: Start walking to the playground.
The first half of the class starts running. A girl falls. Kids run over her. She cries. I get the class together on the playground. Other classes are out for PE or a few minutes of free time. Tons of parents are already there for pick up.
My class gets a verbal smack down and then they had to practice walking around the 4 square courts on the lines, in a straight line, voices off for the last 5 minutes of the day. The girl that got knocked down got to watch the rest of the class walking in a line.
Walk in a line kiddies. Don't mess with this sub.
It is what it is...
Monday, October 28, 2013
The Everyday Project Day 344
Its always a bad day to quit drinkin'.
I'mmm baaaaack! The new prez just resigned. Guess who's up for the position??? We will have to have a board meeting to confirm but that's just a formality. Who else is gonna do it? Like Cara said, " Well mom, you got your fancy title back. You can keep up doing all the jobs."
Colin update. His nose is not fractured but badly bruised. He was in a good amount of pain today but he sucked it up like a big kid. He probably won't be going to school tomorrow again. We also have a consult with an ENT on Thursday because they saw some blockage in is sinus that they want to follow up on.
Since I was home with Colin today we watched tons of episodes of The Office on Netflix. I also ordered labels for all of my In The Mood products so I'll be read for the holidays. And I made these bracelets...
Carnival Explosion Bracelet 7-8 wraps. Its huge!
Rainbow Inspiration 5-6 wraps
It is what it is...
Sunday, October 27, 2013
The Everyday Project Day 343
File this under "It's always something" especially to Colin.
Colin took a pitch to the face today. And it hit him squarely on the bridge of his nose. He said the kid that pitched the ball always hits him and he saw the ball coming for his head. He turned and put the bat up to proctect himself so the ball may have hit off the bat and hit him. Either way the blood gushed out and he kind of staggered around. The coaches all came running out of the dugouts and got him to sit down before he fell.
We spent the afternoon at Urgent Care. Broken nose.
It is what it is...
Colin took a pitch to the face today. And it hit him squarely on the bridge of his nose. He said the kid that pitched the ball always hits him and he saw the ball coming for his head. He turned and put the bat up to proctect himself so the ball may have hit off the bat and hit him. Either way the blood gushed out and he kind of staggered around. The coaches all came running out of the dugouts and got him to sit down before he fell.
We spent the afternoon at Urgent Care. Broken nose.
It is what it is...
Saturday, October 26, 2013
The Everyday Project Day 342
What a productive day!
9 jars of mango/pepper jelly
A coffee cake for breakfast
3 of the 12 bookmarks
Andrew's band concert at the Walker Fall Festival
If you want to see Andrew playing percussion, here is a video. The song is called Zombies Dream.
Andrew on percussion
Soccer game - They lost...again. On a disturbing note, Scott got a nasty gram from one of the kids mom's who said he was the most negative coach her kids have ever had in their 8 years of AYSO soccer and if he didn't change his ways she was pulling both of her kids from the team. With 2 games left. WTF??? I kind of knew this may be coming since I saw this mom chewing the assistant coach a new one during the game. The moms I was sitting with were like, what's her problem?
Scott originally had 15 kids on the team. He would not accept another one because it is mathematically impossible to give more than 15 kids the minimum playing time if they all show up. There are usually 9 kids at practice. He had to add Seth to the team who has never played soccer and who doesn't even live in Mira Mesa so he would have 11 to even play the game.
Scott lives for coaching. He is not negative but as a good coach should, he points out what the kids are doing wrong as well as what they are doing right. He is loud and he is passionate. At 13 and 14 years old, these boys (and mostly their parents) need to grow up, get on their big boy pants and play soccer. Its not like they are 7 and 8 and they should get a medal for just showing up. UGH! Grow a pair people and thicken up your skin. I'm not bring lollipops next week.
It is what it is...
9 jars of mango/pepper jelly
A coffee cake for breakfast
3 of the 12 bookmarks

Andrew's band concert at the Walker Fall Festival
If you want to see Andrew playing percussion, here is a video. The song is called Zombies Dream.
Andrew on percussion
Soccer game - They lost...again. On a disturbing note, Scott got a nasty gram from one of the kids mom's who said he was the most negative coach her kids have ever had in their 8 years of AYSO soccer and if he didn't change his ways she was pulling both of her kids from the team. With 2 games left. WTF??? I kind of knew this may be coming since I saw this mom chewing the assistant coach a new one during the game. The moms I was sitting with were like, what's her problem?
Scott originally had 15 kids on the team. He would not accept another one because it is mathematically impossible to give more than 15 kids the minimum playing time if they all show up. There are usually 9 kids at practice. He had to add Seth to the team who has never played soccer and who doesn't even live in Mira Mesa so he would have 11 to even play the game.
Scott lives for coaching. He is not negative but as a good coach should, he points out what the kids are doing wrong as well as what they are doing right. He is loud and he is passionate. At 13 and 14 years old, these boys (and mostly their parents) need to grow up, get on their big boy pants and play soccer. Its not like they are 7 and 8 and they should get a medal for just showing up. UGH! Grow a pair people and thicken up your skin. I'm not bring lollipops next week.
It is what it is...
Friday, October 25, 2013
The Everyday Project Day 341
Obamacare, Fracking, Immigration? Newsworthy, no doubt but the big story here is who lives in Mira Mesa...and who doesn't. According to the city of SD and the Mira Mesa Planning commission (yes, I am a member..), the community of Mira Mesa extends from the 15 to the 805. There are huge concrete statue signs proclaiming Welcome to Mira Mesa as you get off both freeways. The post office and police have further divided the area west of Camino Santa Fe into Sorrento Mesa or Sorrento Valley. How a mesa can be a valley is beyond me.
In the last 2 weeks a huge eruption has begun. Some street flags and other signs have been erected in "Sorrento Mesa/Valley" announcing Mira Mesa events/activities. Mind you, Sorrento has no schools, shopping, athletic fields or parks. All parks fall under the Mira Mesa Rec Council.(of which I am also a member) They have no councils or planning boards.
What Sorrento has is high value homes as well as light industrial, biogenetics and tech type businesses.
This is what was in today's UT by local columnist Logan Jenkins.
It is what it is...
In the last 2 weeks a huge eruption has begun. Some street flags and other signs have been erected in "Sorrento Mesa/Valley" announcing Mira Mesa events/activities. Mind you, Sorrento has no schools, shopping, athletic fields or parks. All parks fall under the Mira Mesa Rec Council.(of which I am also a member) They have no councils or planning boards.
What Sorrento has is high value homes as well as light industrial, biogenetics and tech type businesses.
This is what was in today's UT by local columnist Logan Jenkins.
Want to pick a fight in west Mira Mesa?
Put up a sign saying you’re in Mira Mesa.
The half-century-old Mira Mesa community plan includes the area around Mira Mesa Boulevard, from I-805 to I-15.
Driving in from the west, however, you’re dwarfed by tech parks and business-oriented hotels. Turning north on Camino Santa Fe, Lopez Ridge homes overlooking Peñasquitos Canyon are larger, newer and higher (in altitude and price) than more modest homes on the eastern flatland.
The bedroom community of the ’60s has been injected with major money on its western flank.
Real estate agents and San Diego cops have taken to ID’ing the area to the west of Camino Santa Fe as Sorrento Valley, a historic name that evokes the magic of Silicon Valley.
When a handful of Mira Mesa signs and banners popped up recently, residents saw it as an Invasion of the Brand Snatchers. They revolted in what some Mira Mesans view as a snobby mob attack.
Angry activists shouted that Sorrento Valley had evolved into a “neighborhood” distinct from Mira Mesa. In their view, property values would crater if Mira Mesa insisted upon claiming its full footprint.
After a storm of sound and fury, Councilwoman Lori Zapf’s office promised to remove the remaining signs, the ones that hadn’t been knocked down.
In San Diego, we count 52 communities. Many more neighborhoods market themselves as distinct states of mind and body (and even stomach). Think Little Italy.
Most city dwellers live within concentric circles of geographic identity. People want small worlds within larger ones. It’s a desire wired into the human psyche. (To locals, I always say I live in Bird Rock, or Baja La Jolla, never the community of La Jolla.)
In time, the expanded Sorrento Valley (or more aptly, Sorrento Mesa) will be a recognized neighborhood within the community of Mira Mesa. But the transition should not be as ugly as what’s transpired in the past few months.
The trashing of Mira Mesa, a diverse, family- oriented community where Lopez Ridge sends its kids to school and sports, has been super unseemly. And the clumsy installation of Mira Mesa signs was a needless provocation.
Meanwhile, at the intersection of Mira Mesa Boulevard and I-805, you can’t help but notice a long-standing monument sign welcoming motorists to ... Mira Mesa.
If Sorrento wants to be recognized as a distinct community, they should figure out how to do that. And quit trashing Mira Mesa.It is what it is...
Thursday, October 24, 2013
The Everyday Project Day 340
You know the AT&T commercial where the guy is talking to a bunch of kids and its hysterical. I was pretty sure that someone wrote those lines for the kids or they did tons of takes to edit to the best ones. I'm not so sure. Here's me talking to 2 four year olds as they at snack today.
Me: What are you going to dress up as for Halloween?
Ryan: Darth Vadar
Paolo: A ninja
Ryan: A Darth Vadar Ninja
Paolo: All the boys have to be ninjas
Me: All the boys everywhere?
Paolo: YES! ALL the boys!
Ryan: Like me! I'm a boy!
Me: I thought you said you were going to be Darth Vadar.
Ryan: I am. A Darth Vadar Ninja
Paolo: A Darth Vadar Ninja!
Me: What kind of ninja are you going to be Paolo?
Paolo: Not a Darth Vadar ninja, just a regular ninja.
Me: Well, what about the girls? Can they be ninjas too?
Paola: No! Only boys!
Me: Why not girls? What if they want to?
Paola: Because girls have to be princesses!
Me: Why? What if they want to be something else like a dog or a pumpkin or a ninja princess?
Paola: Because girls have to be princesses!
Ryan: Yeah, princesses!
Me: Why not a ninja princess?
Ryan and Paolo together: Because they scream! Like this...(start screaming)
We could go on...
It is what it is...
Me: What are you going to dress up as for Halloween?
Ryan: Darth Vadar
Paolo: A ninja
Ryan: A Darth Vadar Ninja
Paolo: All the boys have to be ninjas
Me: All the boys everywhere?
Paolo: YES! ALL the boys!
Ryan: Like me! I'm a boy!
Me: I thought you said you were going to be Darth Vadar.
Ryan: I am. A Darth Vadar Ninja
Paolo: A Darth Vadar Ninja!
Me: What kind of ninja are you going to be Paolo?
Paolo: Not a Darth Vadar ninja, just a regular ninja.
Me: Well, what about the girls? Can they be ninjas too?
Paola: No! Only boys!
Me: Why not girls? What if they want to?
Paola: Because girls have to be princesses!
Me: Why? What if they want to be something else like a dog or a pumpkin or a ninja princess?
Paola: Because girls have to be princesses!
Ryan: Yeah, princesses!
Me: Why not a ninja princess?
Ryan and Paolo together: Because they scream! Like this...(start screaming)
We could go on...
It is what it is...
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
The Everyday Project Day 339
I worked on this breast cancer ribbon bracelet for over and hour and she I finished, it's a tad small and the chain is too rough for the ribbon and it will probably fray. Dang. Now I have to take it apart. I'll leave it for tomorrow.
On a good note a I subbed in a 2nd grade glass today and I got this note with my picture on the back.
Looks just like me... including the purple boots I was wearing today.
I also got this black cat.
I guess they liked me.
It is what it is...
On a good note a I subbed in a 2nd grade glass today and I got this note with my picture on the back.
Looks just like me... including the purple boots I was wearing today.
I also got this black cat.
I guess they liked me.
It is what it is...
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
The Everyday Project Day 338
I hung out with the fingerpaint and play-doh crowd over at MMPP today. I love to sub over there. Talk about a stress free gig. And they are always so happy to see me. This is a new addition to the vine house. How cute is this little table and chair set. It reminds me of Alice in Wonderland.
Random funny thing for the day...
5 8th grade boys singing along to Katie Perry's "Roar" on the way home from school. Cara and I were busting up in the front seat. Those boys have moves! NOT!
It is what it is...
Random funny thing for the day...
5 8th grade boys singing along to Katie Perry's "Roar" on the way home from school. Cara and I were busting up in the front seat. Those boys have moves! NOT!
It is what it is...
Monday, October 21, 2013
The Everyday Project Day 337
Staycation Update:
Cara is on a great kick of trying for perfect attendance this year. Sooo I had to drive her to school at 6:30 am. Since Scott was going to take the boys surf fishing,
I decided to take in a movie. Holy Film Strips! I had heard of the luxury theaters called Cineopolis but never thought to actually go there. $$$$$!!!! Well it was only me and no time like the present so off I went. It looked like a combination bar/club/theater. Cushy leather club chairs, stand up tables with contemporary stools, fully stocked bar and the regular movie theater popcorn/candy counter. Ticket price $15.50. Not so bad considering our regular theaters charge $13 for prime time and $18 for 3D IMAX. And you get to choose your seat when you purchase your ticket. Not that I ever pay full price. I usually take in a matinee at $8.
The movie was Captain Philipps. A great flick about the cargo ship Maersk Alabama that was taken over by Somali pirates in 2009 starring Tom Hanks. I recommend it.
Inside the theater...leather recliners with swivel tables, cup holders and menus. And a server call button like on a plane. Did I mention cocktails????
Verdict- experience excellent, popcorn was terrible. (stale, too salty and overly buttery - as if there could be such a thing.) I should have gone with the truffle fries.
Techo difficulties and the lights would not go all the way off. They stayed sort of dim. I didn't mind but a few of the other 6 people who were there with me pitched a fit and we all got our money back!!! Free!!! Score!!!
Then I did a little shopping/browsing at the high end stores there. I stopped for a mojito gelato at Chauo, my fav exclusive chocolate shop.
Then back to the Fish Market for one last happy hour of wine and oysters before heading back to the "Mesa".
Good thing I picked up 5 sub days today. Gotta pay for my small luxuries.
Love my life...
It is what it is...
Namaste z
Cara is on a great kick of trying for perfect attendance this year. Sooo I had to drive her to school at 6:30 am. Since Scott was going to take the boys surf fishing,
I decided to take in a movie. Holy Film Strips! I had heard of the luxury theaters called Cineopolis but never thought to actually go there. $$$$$!!!! Well it was only me and no time like the present so off I went. It looked like a combination bar/club/theater. Cushy leather club chairs, stand up tables with contemporary stools, fully stocked bar and the regular movie theater popcorn/candy counter. Ticket price $15.50. Not so bad considering our regular theaters charge $13 for prime time and $18 for 3D IMAX. And you get to choose your seat when you purchase your ticket. Not that I ever pay full price. I usually take in a matinee at $8.
The movie was Captain Philipps. A great flick about the cargo ship Maersk Alabama that was taken over by Somali pirates in 2009 starring Tom Hanks. I recommend it.
Inside the theater...leather recliners with swivel tables, cup holders and menus. And a server call button like on a plane. Did I mention cocktails????
Verdict- experience excellent, popcorn was terrible. (stale, too salty and overly buttery - as if there could be such a thing.) I should have gone with the truffle fries.
Techo difficulties and the lights would not go all the way off. They stayed sort of dim. I didn't mind but a few of the other 6 people who were there with me pitched a fit and we all got our money back!!! Free!!! Score!!!
Then I did a little shopping/browsing at the high end stores there. I stopped for a mojito gelato at Chauo, my fav exclusive chocolate shop.
Then back to the Fish Market for one last happy hour of wine and oysters before heading back to the "Mesa".
Good thing I picked up 5 sub days today. Gotta pay for my small luxuries.
Love my life...
It is what it is...
Namaste z
Sunday, October 20, 2013
The Everyday Project Day 336
Weekend Update Sports Edition:
Soccer Saturday - Colin's team lost... again. I think the final score was 11-0. Part of the issue is that when kids out here in our area hit 12/13, they start playing club soccer. Even though our area is not affluent that's pretty much the way it is. We payed $1200 for Colin to play on a Scripps Ranch club team last year and he had mono and missed most of the season....no refund. This year he is playing AYSO (rec) with his friends for $75. I pay more for his fancy soccer shoes. Other areas of San Diego are not considered affluent and ALL the kids play rec soccer so they have very dominant teams and they have no problems getting coaches and the coaches can coach. At this age group you need to have coaches as opposed to the nice dads (or moms) who are kind of forced to take the team. The kids are having fun but it's kind of painful to watch.
Baseball Sunday - went much better for both kids as well as our loaner kids (Andrew and Seth) Even though we are not supposed to keep score, both teams won. Cara is certainly holding her own with the boys. She slammed a line drive double to center to knock in 2 runs. And had 2 walks...
She pitches
She catches
And plays 3rd base
It is what it is... From timeshare territory
Soccer Saturday - Colin's team lost... again. I think the final score was 11-0. Part of the issue is that when kids out here in our area hit 12/13, they start playing club soccer. Even though our area is not affluent that's pretty much the way it is. We payed $1200 for Colin to play on a Scripps Ranch club team last year and he had mono and missed most of the season....no refund. This year he is playing AYSO (rec) with his friends for $75. I pay more for his fancy soccer shoes. Other areas of San Diego are not considered affluent and ALL the kids play rec soccer so they have very dominant teams and they have no problems getting coaches and the coaches can coach. At this age group you need to have coaches as opposed to the nice dads (or moms) who are kind of forced to take the team. The kids are having fun but it's kind of painful to watch.
Baseball Sunday - went much better for both kids as well as our loaner kids (Andrew and Seth) Even though we are not supposed to keep score, both teams won. Cara is certainly holding her own with the boys. She slammed a line drive double to center to knock in 2 runs. And had 2 walks...
She pitches
She catches
And plays 3rd base
It is what it is... From timeshare territory
The Everyday Project Day 335
Its about 20 minutes door to door from the resort to our house. I am so used to living in our little corner of the world in Mira Mesa. Most everything is within 10 minutes and I rarely get on the freeway. It's only 12.5 miles but it seems worlds away. I've done more driving in 2 days than I usually do in a week running back and forth to school and activties. I'm sure there are tons of eye rolls going on now from all of you who regularly drive hours to get anywhere.
Yesterday Colin, smart kid that he his, left his soccer clothes in the car when I was taking Cara to theater. Thankfully I didn't get too far but I had to turn around and go back. You would think it was 100 miles back. I'm soooo spoiled.
We had friends over for a BBQ last night and thery hung out til about 11. After cleaning up, I was done. Sorry for the late post. So many vacations....I'm soooo spoiled lately.
It is what it is...
Yesterday Colin, smart kid that he his, left his soccer clothes in the car when I was taking Cara to theater. Thankfully I didn't get too far but I had to turn around and go back. You would think it was 100 miles back. I'm soooo spoiled.
We had friends over for a BBQ last night and thery hung out til about 11. After cleaning up, I was done. Sorry for the late post. So many vacations....I'm soooo spoiled lately.
It is what it is...
Friday, October 18, 2013
The Everyday Project Day 334
Staycation! Use it or loose it. We have to use our timeshare points so it's staycation time at the Winner's Circle Resort across from the Del Mar Racetrack.
Seth is here tonight and Isabelle tomorrow. Of course Scott and I had to check out the happy hour at the Fish Market Restaurant
Thursday, October 17, 2013
The Everyday Project Day 333
You can't make this stuff up. Driving the carpool.
Tip 1: pretend you don't exist.
Jack: when I'm older and retired, like when I'm 65, I'm going to join a recreational biker gang. Nothing hard core. Like ride our Harley's to the cafe for a capachino. Not to fight or anything.
What 8th grader says that???
It is what it is..
Tip 1: pretend you don't exist.
Jack: when I'm older and retired, like when I'm 65, I'm going to join a recreational biker gang. Nothing hard core. Like ride our Harley's to the cafe for a capachino. Not to fight or anything.
What 8th grader says that???
It is what it is..
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
The Everyday Project Day 332
Back at it. Tonight was the first board meeting of the 2014 Season. I'm back to where I started as secretary with the addition of another familiar position of snack bar coordinator. Let's see how it goes...
Cara comes home.
Cara: Mom, it's the best week ever.
Me: YaY!!! Why?
Cara: I got the only perfect score on the math test...out of ALL the classes!
Me: That's awesome!!! What about Isabelle? (Cara and Isabelle are super competitive in math)
Cara: She got 8 wrong!!! Then a kid comes into the room with a note that I have to go the principal's office.
Me: What did you do???
Cara: I don't know. I was so nervous as I walked over there. It said come immediately, not even at the end of the period. So I get there and the principal asks me if I'm nervous and I said yes.
Me: Sooooo
Cara: I got invited to Lunch With the Principal!!!
Me: Why? Did you win a ticket contest?
Cara: I don't know but can you sign my permission slip?
It is what it is...
Cara comes home.
Cara: Mom, it's the best week ever.
Me: YaY!!! Why?
Cara: I got the only perfect score on the math test...out of ALL the classes!
Me: That's awesome!!! What about Isabelle? (Cara and Isabelle are super competitive in math)
Cara: She got 8 wrong!!! Then a kid comes into the room with a note that I have to go the principal's office.
Me: What did you do???
Cara: I don't know. I was so nervous as I walked over there. It said come immediately, not even at the end of the period. So I get there and the principal asks me if I'm nervous and I said yes.
Me: Sooooo
Cara: I got invited to Lunch With the Principal!!!
Me: Why? Did you win a ticket contest?
Cara: I don't know but can you sign my permission slip?
It is what it is...
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
The Everyday Project Day 331
It's been a crafty kind of day. For about 6 months now, I've been fascinated with a few blogs about making different beauty and cleaning products using natural, organic ingredients. I'm also looking to branch out the In The Mood products so today was testing day.
First up is the Healing Salt Scrub. I know lots of people who do lots of fitness, yoga, have injuries, had surgery or other health issues. Take a look at the ingredient list.
Epsom Salts- has beneficial properties that can soothe the body, mind and soul. Some of the countless health benefits include relaxing the nervous system, curing skin problems, soothing back pain and aching limbs, easing muscle strain, healing cuts, treating cold and congestion, and drawing toxins from the body.
Sweet Almond Oil - helps to relieve muscular aches and pains.
Eucalyptus Oil - this essential oil helps to clear the mind and focus concentration, while reducing swelling in the mucus membranes. It is very valuable in fighting respiratory problems, fighting inflammation and sore muscles, rheumatism, headaches and nervous exhaustion, while boosting wound and ulcer healing and soothing skin eruptions.
Lavender Oil -has a soothing and calming effect on the nerves, relieving tension, depression, panic, hysteria and nervous exhaustion in general and is effective for headaches, migraines and insomnia.
Arnica Oil - muscle-soothing, strain-healing, bruise-minimizing
Vitamin E Oil - Antioxidant and wound healing
Castile Soap - a preservative and good for the skin
Next we have the Lavender Lotion Bars. Ok...fish. I needed a silicon mold and I had the fish ones for ice cubes. Lotion bars are similar to soap but they are lotion. You rub it on and your body hear melts it enough to smooth it on.
Both products work well together with the lavender scent. I still need to work on the packaging and labels. Dang Avery labels did not work correctly with my printer. I'll be doing about 3 craft shows and host an open house before Christmas.
In The Mood Beauty is born.
It is what it is...
First up is the Healing Salt Scrub. I know lots of people who do lots of fitness, yoga, have injuries, had surgery or other health issues. Take a look at the ingredient list.
Sweet Almond Oil - helps to relieve muscular aches and pains.
Eucalyptus Oil - this essential oil helps to clear the mind and focus concentration, while reducing swelling in the mucus membranes. It is very valuable in fighting respiratory problems, fighting inflammation and sore muscles, rheumatism, headaches and nervous exhaustion, while boosting wound and ulcer healing and soothing skin eruptions.
Lavender Oil -has a soothing and calming effect on the nerves, relieving tension, depression, panic, hysteria and nervous exhaustion in general and is effective for headaches, migraines and insomnia.
Arnica Oil - muscle-soothing, strain-healing, bruise-minimizing
Vitamin E Oil - Antioxidant and wound healing
Castile Soap - a preservative and good for the skin
Next we have the Lavender Lotion Bars. Ok...fish. I needed a silicon mold and I had the fish ones for ice cubes. Lotion bars are similar to soap but they are lotion. You rub it on and your body hear melts it enough to smooth it on.
Both products work well together with the lavender scent. I still need to work on the packaging and labels. Dang Avery labels did not work correctly with my printer. I'll be doing about 3 craft shows and host an open house before Christmas.
In The Mood Beauty is born.
It is what it is...
Monday, October 14, 2013
The Everyday Project Day 330
So after a weekend of decadence and clothes feeling tighter what do I decide to? Get my butt to the gym and do my friend Maria's RIPPED class and then yoga.
And then I made this pumpkin cake with Kaluha cream cheese icing.
They had me at Kaluha.
It is what it is...
FYI. It tastes great.
And then I made this pumpkin cake with Kaluha cream cheese icing.
They had me at Kaluha.
It is what it is...
FYI. It tastes great.
The Everyday Project Day 329
Shocker alert... Colin did the laundry yesterday so there was only 1 basket when I got home! WooHoo!!! Do you know how I know he missed me? Because he is spinning me in the recliner and shooting Gatorade lids at me. Not that he would say, "I missed you mom or Nice to have you back." He is 14 after all.
Check out my short video of the trip. It was the hit of dinner last night.
It is what it is...
Check out my short video of the trip. It was the hit of dinner last night.
It is what it is...
Sunday, October 13, 2013
The Everyday Project Day 328
The country singer, Joe Nichols, has a song called Tequilla Makes Her Clothes Fall Off. Now my clothes didn't fall off but I was very friendly with my old pals Jose and Patron last night. Thus no post until this morning.
In Robinson world, there is no such thing as too much. They work hard and play harder. Everything this weekend was top shelf and 1st class all the way. The people are awesome and even though I probably won't see most of these people again I feel privileged to have met them and been part of this once in a lifetime trip. I even chatted with the CEO's wife for about 20 minutes in the spa. Room service is knocking on my door with breakfast so I'll see you back in San Diego. Big thanks to Captain Grandpa for taking care of the kids and driving the carpool.
We went on a desert hummer tour yesterday. Very bumpy! I was never so happy to see pavement and a regular, old speed bump.
Poolside cabana service
It is what it is...
In Robinson world, there is no such thing as too much. They work hard and play harder. Everything this weekend was top shelf and 1st class all the way. The people are awesome and even though I probably won't see most of these people again I feel privileged to have met them and been part of this once in a lifetime trip. I even chatted with the CEO's wife for about 20 minutes in the spa. Room service is knocking on my door with breakfast so I'll see you back in San Diego. Big thanks to Captain Grandpa for taking care of the kids and driving the carpool.
We went on a desert hummer tour yesterday. Very bumpy! I was never so happy to see pavement and a regular, old speed bump.
Poolside cabana service
It is what it is...
Friday, October 11, 2013
The Everyday Project Day 327
Seriously, can it get any more relaxing??? My schedule for the day so far:
Get up
Have coffee on patio overlooking the golf course
Do yoga
Steam room
Massage at the Agave spa
Lunch and cocktails by the pool
Relax by the pool and float in the lazy river
Take a stroll around the resort
This snake is in the lobby bar area
Have a glass of wine wearing my fancy spa robe on the patio before I get ready for dinner (that's what I'm doing right now)
Dinner at Sassi, a 4 star fancy Italian restaurant. I'll have to two about that tomorrow.
There is a Scottish bagpiper who plays everyday at sunset to honor the Scottish immigrants who worked on the railroads and the mines back in the day. Who know Arizona was so Scottish??? This is Michael McClanninhan. He plays at sunset 365 days a year at the resort.
It really doesn't get better than this...we'll see what tomorrow holds.
It is what it is...
Get up
Have coffee on patio overlooking the golf course
Do yoga
Steam room
Massage at the Agave spa
Lunch and cocktails by the pool
Relax by the pool and float in the lazy river
Take a stroll around the resort
This snake is in the lobby bar area
Have a glass of wine wearing my fancy spa robe on the patio before I get ready for dinner (that's what I'm doing right now)
Dinner at Sassi, a 4 star fancy Italian restaurant. I'll have to two about that tomorrow.
There is a Scottish bagpiper who plays everyday at sunset to honor the Scottish immigrants who worked on the railroads and the mines back in the day. Who know Arizona was so Scottish??? This is Michael McClanninhan. He plays at sunset 365 days a year at the resort.
It really doesn't get better than this...we'll see what tomorrow holds.
It is what it is...
Thursday, October 10, 2013
The Everyday Project Day 326
Well, I guess I am officially out the my party animal stage since it's 9:30 and I'm in my jams lovin' my cushy spa bed with crisp, white sheets and pillows. Dinner was awesome. Scott's coworkers from other offices are super nice. I am so relaxed and I'm out. My goal for tomorrow is yoga at 8am. I'm booked for a massage at 10. Ahhhhh
It is what it is...
It is what it is...
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
The Everyday Project Day 325
When I started out making Grandpa's schedule, I titled it Lesson Plans. HaHaHa! I guess you know what I'm used to doing. So here it is... good luck Captain Grandpa.
I'm officially on the District 32 Staff. I got my shirts today! Not 1 but 2!!! With my name on them! WooHoo!!! Movin' on up! (to the East Side...to the deluxe apartment in the sky) I know you're singing that in your head. Admit it..
It is what it is...
Thursday 10/10
- 9:00 am take MB and Scott to airport
- 12:15pm pick up Cara, Colin, Jack, Brendan, Eric on Black Mountain Road
- 5:30pm Colin, Jack, Andrew soccer practice. Leave at 5:10 Pick up Andrew outside his house at 5:15. Drop off on Black Mtn. Rd
- 7pm Pick Up Colin and Andrew. Jack’s dad will pick him up.
Friday 10/11
- 2:15pm pick up Cara, Colin, Jack, Brendan, Eric and maybe Kaela on Black Mountain Road
- 4:15pm pick up Andrew for 4:30 baseball practice for Cara, Colin, Jack and Andrew at our fields
- 6:00pm Pick up Cara, Colin, Seth and Andrew from baseball. Seth spends the night
Saturday 10/12 Nothing all day 5pm mass at Good Shepherd
Sunday 10/13
- 10:45am pick up Andrew and take Cara, Colin, Seth and Andrew to field. Make sure Seth has all of his stuff.
- 12:45 pick up MB and Scott from airport Southwest flight 1390 from Phoenix
Kids are pretty good for breakfast, lunch and snacks. You can take them out to eat or bring something in for dinner. Friday is usually pizza. They like Papa John’s, Rubio’s, Panda Express, Subway, Jack in the Box, Taco shop, McDonald’s etc..
I'm officially on the District 32 Staff. I got my shirts today! Not 1 but 2!!! With my name on them! WooHoo!!! Movin' on up! (to the East Side...to the deluxe apartment in the sky) I know you're singing that in your head. Admit it..
It is what it is...
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
The Everyday Project Day 324
Its 4 great days rolled into 1!
Today is mine and Scott's 19th Anniversary! And its Andrew's 14 birthday! And if that's not good enough... Its National Pierogi Day and National Fluffernutter Day!
These are kind of pierogies I grew up eating and Paula still sometimes makes today. Shout out to Paula and long time friend, David and his daughter, Joy as well as to the Polish nuns in Connecticut. Paula and David learned how to make them from David's Lithuanian grandmother, Val.
These are the ones I usually eat now.
It was the Eastern European immigrants that popularized pierogi in the United States. At first, pierogi were a family food among the immigrants and were also found in ethnic restaurants; Freshly cooked pierogi became a staple fundraisers by ethnic churches in the post-World War II era. By the 1960′s, pierogi could be found in the frozen food aisles of grocery stores in many parts of the United States.
Today is mine and Scott's 19th Anniversary! And its Andrew's 14 birthday! And if that's not good enough... Its National Pierogi Day and National Fluffernutter Day!
These are kind of pierogies I grew up eating and Paula still sometimes makes today. Shout out to Paula and long time friend, David and his daughter, Joy as well as to the Polish nuns in Connecticut. Paula and David learned how to make them from David's Lithuanian grandmother, Val.
These are the ones I usually eat now.
It was the Eastern European immigrants that popularized pierogi in the United States. At first, pierogi were a family food among the immigrants and were also found in ethnic restaurants; Freshly cooked pierogi became a staple fundraisers by ethnic churches in the post-World War II era. By the 1960′s, pierogi could be found in the frozen food aisles of grocery stores in many parts of the United States.
A sweet marshmallow-like spread, that he called “Marshmallow Cream” was invented in 1917 by Archibald Query in Somerville, Massachusetts. In 1913,during World War I, Emma and Amory Curtis of Melrose, Massachusetts invented Snowflake Marshmallow Creme and published a recipe for a peanut butter and marshmallow creme sandwich, which is the earliest known example of a Fluffernutter.
Archiblad Query sold his recipe for “Marshmallow Creme” to Durkee-Mower, Inc. who renamed it Marshmallow Fluff and continue to sell it under that name today.
It was in 1960 that the term Fluffernutter was created by an advertising agency for Durkee-Mower in an attempt to effectively market the peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich.
I will not be eating either of these treats today because we are getting sushi for our anniversary. Wouldn't you rather eat raw fish too?
It is what it is...
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