Elvis Night...
Love Me Tender
You Ain't Nothin' But a Hound Dog
Jailhouse Rock
Heartbreak Hotel
Pause here... I know you are all singing in your head.
At the Super Bowl Party, Cara falls in love with a cock a poo puppy they had there.
Love me tender, love me sweet...
After every time she said, " Isn't it cute????" I was expecting, " When can we get one?" But no.... the crafty girl says, " Mom, do you think you will be ready to get a new dog any time soon?" I had been anticipating this question for a few weeks now.
After school field trip to the SD Humane Society. These dogs are all well staged in their doggie apartments with couches, coffee tables and Tvs.
Lists of requirements:
Non or little shedding
Poodle mix preferably cock a poo or Labradoodle
1-3 year age range ( don't have time to train and housebreak)
No pit bull or pit bull mix
No shepherd ( too much shedding)
Not barking or whining at us in the kennel.
All family members must agree in the end.
Ain't nothin' but a hound dog, crying all time...
We don't find one there but across the parking lot is the SD County Shelter. Its a completey different organization. These dogs are in cages. No couches, 2-3 per kennel. Different adoption rules.
Colin says it looks like jail...
Jailhouse Rock
The huskie Colin liked had the maximum of 2 holds on it. So probably it's a no. He only likes bigger dogs and not poodle mixes. Loves the shepherds.
Cara loves the poodle mixes. She liked the huskie too. They had 2 cock a poos. Tears are pooling in the eyes because the rule is everyone has to agree and she knows Colin is going either not going to agree or pull a pout, which is pretty much the same thing.
Nothing we can do so we leave.
We get home and both kids go directly to their rooms.
Heartbreak Hotel....
Bottom line is:
We can't put a hold on any dog because I have to work on Friday and can't go down there between 10 and 11 am to interact with the 3 dogs we are looking at. So...
We'll have to see what the weekend brings and hopefully something good will happen and the 2 cock a poos don't have holds on them and will still be available.
It is what it is...
I have had requests to add people to the group. Please send me their email or join google+
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