Scott is the man. Workin the phones and getting it done! We will have 4 t-ball managers, a juniors team and all will be right in the MMWLL world.
Colin has his heart ablation procedure tomorrow. Check in time is 6am and if all goes well, he will be released by 2 pm. No school for the rest of the week but then no restrictions on activities. No more WPW!
He is handling it well. I think he takes after me. You know, keep it all in. We chatted about it and I told him when I was trying to get pregnant with him I had a laparoscopy and had to have similar anesthesia. He thought it was funny that they told me to count backwards from 100 and I got to 98. And that the doctors were telling me jokes and I was asleep before I heard the end.
He wants strawberry scented anesthesia. That from my kid who sits in the pantry cabinet smelling the box of green tea bags because he loves the smell.
Quote of the day from Cara. We are watching The Bachelor and they break the Guinness World Record for the longest on screen kiss. " That was so dumb." Eye roll " over 3 minutes of wasted time."
It is what it is...
Glad it went well!!!