Wednesday, June 17, 2015

A League Of Her Own

We all know how special Cara is. Now so does the rest of the world!

She truely is in...
A League of Her Own!

It is what it is... Namaste

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

And The Fat Lady Sings On...

...At the Wangenheim Middle School 8th Grade Awards Night. Cara and the rest of the "nerd herd*" cleaned house. 
*disclaimer - they all know I call them the nerd herd with the upmost respect. 
They prefer Semi-nerds since they are in the seminar program. (Bragging moment. They have to pass the GATE test with a score of 99.8 to get into the seminar program)

From the classroom to the ball fields to the music rooms to the broadcast booth, and beyond Cara and her 8th grade friends EXCELL!

Cara earned awards in Math, History, English, Citizenship and Academic Excellence. While Cara got a 4.0 a few times during middle school, her good friend since preschool got the Principal 's Honor award for 4.0 ALL 3 years! Holy Moley Brainiac!

At these ceremonies, one can really see what a multi-cultural community in which we live. Shout outs go to the teachers and principals who pronounced a plethora of international names with ease and grace... mostly. At Wangenheim there was 1 Smith and no Jones. Nguyen, Troung, Tran, and Wong, were the most common surnames. The United Nations are well represented as evidenced by the number of kids who participated in the Junior Model United Nations program. 

As the sunsets and the "fat lady" sings on middle school, look out high school! The smart kids are on their way. 
It is what it is...

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Listen to the Fat Lady Singin'

After 43 years at the same complex, Mira Mesa West Little League had its final game. That's right - its over. In September 2015, the field remodel has an actual start date. (Although many of us won't believe it until the fences come down and the 1st bulldozer shows up).

We have spent a good part of the 10 years at those baseball fields so it was bitter-sweet to see Cara pitch in that final game.
FYI her team came from behind to score 13 runs in the 7th inning and won 22-15. 

An event such as this calls for a little bubbly.

Well, of course it does! 
Past president and current president share a toast

And that's all she wrote. The fat lady is singin' the song of love on the end of an era.
It is what it is...

From the ball field to the 8th grade dance.
She sure cleans up nicely