Wednesday, April 25, 2012

From the Office of the President

Effective Immediately

By executive order, MMWLL has instituted  a new Drama Free Policy. Any one caught creating drama and discourse, by but not limited to:

Not getting along with others, including players, parents, spectators, visiting teams, umpires and other officials, board members and especially fellow managers,

Unsportsmanlike behavior,

Disrespectful and "reply all" emails,

Not sitting down and working out issues like grownups,

and general whining and complaining,

will be subjected to a monetary Whine penalty.

This penalty payment will be used to specifically fund The President's Wine Fund. This will keep your unanimously elected president (me), happy and calm. If pushed to the dark side, I will be forced to quote specific passages from the bylaws, the Green Book and the Coach's Code of Conduct, and give time outs.

I shouldn't have to buy wine for a good long time.


It is what it is...